Broadcast receivers (best practices and examples)

5 min readMar 13, 2023


Photo by Jonathan Velasquez on Unsplash

Broadcast receivers are an essential component of Android app development. They allow apps to receive and respond to system-wide events, such as a change in network connectivity or the battery level of the device. In this article, we will explore the definition of broadcast receivers, as well as their importance in Android app development.

A broadcast receiver is a component of an Android app that listens for and responds to system-wide events. When a broadcast event occurs, the system broadcasts an Intent containing information about the event. Apps that have registered a broadcast receiver to listen for that particular event will be notified and can perform an action in response.

The importance of broadcast receivers in Android app development cannot be overstated. They enable apps to respond to events that occur outside of their own lifecycle, allowing for more robust and flexible functionality. With the ability to register and unregister broadcast receivers dynamically, apps can conserve system resources and improve performance. In the following sections, we will cover best practices for using broadcast receivers, as well as examples of how they can be implemented in real-world scenarios.

Best practices for using broadcast receivers.

· Avoid registering receivers in the manifest file: While it is possible to register broadcast receivers in the manifest file, it is generally not recommended. This is because receivers registered in the manifest are always active, even when the app is not running, which can consume unnecessary system resources.

· Register receivers dynamically: Instead of registering receivers in the manifest file, it is better to register them dynamically within the app’s code. This allows for greater control over when the receiver is active and can help conserve system resources.

· Unregister receivers when they are no longer needed: Once a broadcast receiver is no longer needed, it is important to unregister it to free up system resources. Failing to do so can cause memory leaks and degrade app performance over time.

· Use local broadcasts instead of global broadcasts when possible: Local broadcasts are a type of broadcast that is only sent within the app’s own process, whereas global broadcasts are sent to all processes on the device. Local broadcasts are generally more efficient and secure than global broadcasts, so they should be used whenever possible.

· Avoid doing too much work in a broadcast receiver: Broadcast receivers should be designed to perform only the necessary tasks in response to a broadcast event. Doing too much work in a broadcast receiver can cause delays and potentially lead to ANR (Application Not Responding) errors.

Examples of broadcast receivers

· Battery level changes: Apps can register a broadcast receiver to receive notifications when the battery level of the device changes. This can be useful for apps that need to conserve battery life or provide alerts when the battery is running low.

· Screen on/off events: Apps can also register a broadcast receiver to receive notifications when the screen of the device is turned on or off. This can be useful for apps that need to perform certain actions when the screen is turned on or off, such as disabling or enabling certain features.

· Incoming SMS messages: Apps can register a broadcast receiver to receive notifications when an SMS message is received by the device. This can be useful for messaging apps or other apps that need to process incoming SMS messages.

· Network connectivity changes: Apps can register a broadcast receiver to receive notifications when the network connectivity of the device changes, such as when the device switches from mobile data to Wi-Fi. This can be useful for apps that need to perform certain actions based on network connectivity, such as syncing data or updating content.

· Media player events: Apps can also register a broadcast receiver to receive notifications when media player events occur, such as when a song finish playing or when a video is paused. This can be useful for media player apps or other apps that need to respond to media player events.

How to implement broadcast receivers

Registering a receiver dynamically: To register a broadcast receiver dynamically, you need to create an Intent Filter that specifies the type of broadcast event you want to receive. You then create an instance of your broadcast receiver class and call the registerReceiver() method on the app’s Context object, passing in the Intent Filter and the broadcast receiver instance as arguments.

Creating a broadcast receiver class: To create a broadcast receiver class, you need to create a new Java class that extends the BroadcastReceiver class. This class should override the onReceive() method, which will be called when a broadcast event of the specified type is received by the app.

Implementing the onReceive() method: In the onReceive() method of your broadcast receiver class, you can define the actions that should be taken when a broadcast event is received. This might include updating the UI, starting a service, or performing some other action in response to the event.

Here is some example code that demonstrates how to implement a broadcast receiver that listens for changes in network connectivity:

To register this broadcast receiver dynamically, you would need to create an instance of the NetworkChangeReceiver class and call the registerReceiver() method, as shown in the following example code:

In conclusion, we have covered some best practices for using broadcast receivers in Android app development, such as avoiding registering receivers in the manifest file, registering receivers dynamically, and using local broadcasts when possible. We have also discussed some examples of broadcast receivers, including battery level changes, screen on/off events, incoming SMS messages, network connectivity changes, and media player events. It is important to use broadcast receivers effectively in app development to improve the user experience and respond to system-wide events. We encourage you to try implementing broadcast receivers in your own apps and explore the many possibilities for responding to system events and improving the functionality of your app.

