Next feature to come: Clarity

Mallyx @
1 min readAug 17, 2016


A lot of coins has been listed. is maybe the biggest Initial Coin Offering database nowadays !

On the backside, I’m starting to realize that a lot more ICO are going to reach, because my service is free.

I’ll have to handle the bull.

That’s going to be a lot of works if I don’t move fast. Here is my solution.

First I have to show my wish for the website, which is to stay flat and neutral like a rock. The fact is that I’m a human, so I can do some mistakes, register erroneous informations, forget to update stuff, or just miss some mandatory news. I don’t want to mislead my visitors.

Then my counter-attack is a system I call ‘Clarity’.

On each details (eg. amount of supplies, social campaign, ending date, …) I’ll attach an icon. That icon is meant to show how successful was the communication from the dev. team (the icons aren't defined yet):

  • It’s was clear.
  • It’s was hard to find or to define (maybe that info. is wrong).
  • It was unclear or I’m doubting (probably wrong).

How ‘Clarity’ is going to help you (and me) ? It’s an unconscious reminder saying you shouldn't trust everything you read on the net (and me neither).

It’s an easy way for pushing you to investigate by yourself when something is missing, too hard to find, or when I’m doubting.

Clarity’ isn’t an ICO score, nor an accusation: it’s a warning on a probable wrong information.

