Marketing: The Key Factor of a Successful ICO?
5 min readFeb 25, 2019


As one of the most efficient methods to raise capital for projects, especially for small start-ups, the popularity of ICOs have been continuously growing in recent years.

In order to launch a smooth ICO, business advisory is important. It acts as your ICO’s compass to provide direction, constructive advice, as well as sound guidance on marketing plans and potential challenges. All this should be detailed in a well-drafted whitepaper to clearly illustrate the project stages and other components of the business decision process.

As the technical base of the ICO, technology is also essential. Well-developed smart contracts and token security, for instance, are significant in ensuring proper implementation of the ICO.

These components mentioned above are all indispensable in a token sale project, but marketing might just be the solid push to make or break an ICO.

Why is Marketing Important?

A well-structured marketing strategy paves the way to a successful ICO by building a community of contributors. The rationale: How would your target audience invest in a project they are unaware of, despite the perfect project content and advanced technology implemented? Only a successful marketing campaign would ensure your efforts are paid off by reaching out the target market and building a good reputation for your ICO.

What defines a well-structured marketing strategy for an ICO?

1. A Comprehensive Whitepaper that Provides Confidence

Investors would only participate in an ICO which they believe would give them returns higher than their initial investment, with minimal potential risks. Thus, a whitepaper is the first step at gaining confidence and trust from investors by detailing a well thought-out project that has considered risk mitigation and other aspects.

Tip: A good whitepaper should include all components of the project as comprehensively as possible — ideation, objectives, road map, legal aspects, token economics and more.

2. Visually Appealing Website with Good Traffic

Building a visually appealing website for your company would help to shape a positive impression on your contributors. Your website’s design and content should appeal to your target audience, and should be user-friendly. To illustrate your project, try to include important information on your landing page, such as your whitepaper, token sale information, project road map, team member, and current progress.

Once your website is constructed, it should be taken to social media. Share your website on various social media platforms to extend its reach. You may also apply search engine optimization (SEO) to achieve better reach by obtaining a higher search engine ranking when a user is searching for an ICO.

3. Effective Publicity Through a Variety of Marketing Channels

An effective ICO marketing strategy does not focus purely on just comprehensive content, but also the frequency and manner that this content is shared with the market.

Social Media Accounts

Utilizing a variety of different social media platforms to promote your ICO project would enhance brand recognition and further increase your prospects in the ICO market. After the social media profiles are created, start posting updates of your project across social media channels to encourage user engagement.

Paid Advertisements

Other than sharing organic posts, you may also want to engage in paid advertisements, which is usually the fastest way to enhance visibility of your ICO, connect you with a potential audience, drive more traffic to your website and get new email leads.

You could also engage in media buying and generate some buzz for your project on various cryptocurrency websites and forums such as Coin Telegraph and Coin Schedule, which already have a large following of crypto enthusiasts.

Bounty Campaigns

To initiate more referrals, your company could also adopt bounty campaigns to increase your ICO’s exposure and expand your reach by offering bounty rewards to individuals for sharing and participating. These could simply be friend referrals and sharing your website link on their social networking sites.

4. Strong Email Marketing and Newsletters

Email marketing is still active today as it provides direct interaction between you and all your potential contributors. By creating an email list with all your subscribers and sending follow-ups and newsletter updates to them, there are lots of opportunities to convert them into investors and maximize your Return on Investment (ROI) .

Tip: In order to achieve a large amount of subscribers, the performance of the aforementioned networking platforms you have created matters a lot !

In addition, you may also create an email autoresponder to automate your email marketing by sending out emails with different purposes to your subscribers on regular basis, in order to maintain connection and remind of existence.

An autoresponder is a sequence of emails that are automatically sent to a specific segment of people on your email list, triggered by a specific event.

There are so many aspects of marketing that makes it such a powerful tool, one that could determine the fate of your ICO — thus it is important to work with the right marketing team. has experience in marketing many high-profile ICOs, and we can provide the full range of marketing services you need in order to ensure your ICO success.

About is a full-service solutions provider for all the things needed to complete a successful ICO. Our comprehensive solutions are designed for companies looking to tap into the immense potential of blockchain and launch their ICO in the most efficient manner possible. Our team comprises of seasoned experts who have a wealth of experience in advising ICOs and is complemented by our cutting-edge technology infrastructure. We are dedicated to understanding their clients’ needs who may come from a diverse range of industries. We are also the first sponsor firm for the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX) that aims to be a world-leading, institutional-grade token sale platform and cryptocurrency exchange.

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-- is the main provider for all-in-one ICO solutions, designed for companies looking to tap into the immense potential of blockchain.