Community Management for ICOs

ICO Marketers Stories
6 min readJul 2, 2018


Undoubtedly, the community of an ICO can tell a lot about the ICO itself. As ICO Marketers we should work on both, our online and offline communities, grow, support and maintain them, to fully bring awareness of our project.

How to do that? Well it is not as simple as it might seem.

Here today we will cover some tips and tricks on ICO Community Management.

Social media all the way

✅Know your audience

Before even starting to think about your social media plan, you should understand who is your audience. First of all, ask yourself a question — who is your audience and who do you want your audience to be?

The cryptocurrency world is still not very well known to the larger portion of the world and to those who have heard about cryptocurrency might still have a lot of confusions around it and misunderstandings.

Remember that your audience will most likely be at least party split between the people who think that crypto is all the rage and people who can’t tell the difference between blockchain and bitcoin, especially if your ICO is a project which is not entirely technical.

If that is true in your case, then it would be recommended that you create your social media content — all the visuals and text, so that they would speak to both audiences. That seems logical, right?

✅Be consistent

The next tip is to be consistent. And that does not mean just constantly answering to your community’s questions and maintaining a 24/7 support (which is a MUST, by the way).

As an ICO, your focus is to reach the hard cap within a certain deadline and of course you should adjust your social media plan according to it too.

Since there are so many ICOs out there, you need to be aware that your audience might be interested in several ones at the same time and you might lose their interest if you are not constantly and on all platforms updating them with news and content.

! One contributor missing some important news from you might result in several lost new contributors. (Remember — investors tend to refer each other!) !

We once had a client who had not updated all their social media channels with the latest news for months. As a result, when we recommended them to do it, and they posted all their latest updates, even though a month later, we saw that some crypto experts had noticed the news and posted about them on their blogs, notifiying all their followers too. This just proves that we should never miss that one update posted on ALL channels.

How to do it?

There are several social media management tools/schedulers, where you can keep a track of all the content that you post and plan and schedule them ahead.

We recommend : or

Another tip: consistency can also mean posting content at certain times of the day. Especially if you want to target people who are living in certain timezones. The above mentioned tools can offer exactly that.

✅Track the results

When you know what to post, how and when, it is time to track how you are doing.

That means seeing how your posts are performing and how many people actually see them and click on the links.

There are several ways how to do that:

Google Analytics

If you want to see how many people went to your ICOs landing page by clicking on a link that you posted on one your social media accounts, you can see statistics in your Google Analytics.

If you go to Acquisition — Source/Medium you can see how has each source performed. URL shortener

You can also see how many people click on links from each post seperetely. For that you will need to create an account on —

Just click on CREATE — BITLINK on the upper right corner, copy the shortened URL and use it instead of just whatever the link you wanted to post.

After a while you should be able to see statistics of how many people clicked on that link from your post -

How to fake channel engagement

Your campaign has started slowly and you only have a few members talking in your telegram group and you need to make it look like an active group for potential investors and interest general public in joining, or maybe you have already taken all the advice below and posting daily on your social media, but your followers amount is not growing, so what to do?

Simple: Fake it! We do not 100% recommend it, but that it the hidden truth and many ICOs don’t like to admit, that they are doing it.

If your budget allows

There are services available that offer to post daily questions about your project in your Telegram group. Here are some of the ones we were in contact with:

You can also just buy followers using offer from or similar ones.

For other social channels there are sites like: for Facebook followers and for Twitter followers. It is generally very cheap and you will get the result almost instantly by just pressing a few buttons.

!Just be careful — it can be easily determined that your followers amount has increased very fast in a short time!

If you have a tight budget

Do it yourself. Buy fake numbers using tools like

, create telegram accounts and chat amongst yourselves in your group.

You can discuss various topics like latest crypto news, ask questions about the project, if your sale is live inquire about investing etc. Just remember to make it seem realistic and be quick to reply via the admin account.

There is also another, quite shameful, but popular method amongst ICOs how to increase the engagement on social media — Bounty campaigns.

Bounty campaigns are probably a topic to be covered more deeply in one of our future blog posts, so stay tuned.

Do these things while continuously promoting your channel and soon your community will be growing.

Let me entertain you!

When you have gathered a community around your project, then the next step is (you guessed it!) — make them stay. Of course, keeping a consistency and posting at least once a day is one way how to keep their interest, BUT:

It is important not to just talk to your community, answer their questions and simply be there for them, but also to provide them with several call to actions and to entertain them. It can be anything. Here are just some ideas:


You can offer your ICOs Tokens or any other prizes for completing certain tasks. That way it would be a win-win situation. We recommend using for competition management.

You can also entertain your community with more creativity based contests. For example : banner contest; memes.. Anything like that. It would not just entertain them, but also be fun for your team and would let you understand the language of your community better.


Again, people like when they can win something for free. Offer a lottery to win something for your contributors.

➡️Invitations to private events

This helps also to build trust around the project, as your team would meet your future investors face to face. Then you can think about any kinds of formal and afterwards informal activities for them.

➡️Creating some advantages for your existing community

Blockchain is all about decentralization. Let your existing community help you with the project; let them know that you await suggestions from them and they can help you to make even important decisions; in other words — make them feel involved. Then they will not leave you.

We found out that following your community’s feedback and even using their quotes on social media made them feel appreciated.

It is great if you come up with something totally different that none of the ICOs is doing yet.

And one last suggestion from us — do not underestimate Community Management. A large and engaging community can be a very important way how to attract attention of the investors.

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