How To Target Audience On Telegram

3 min readAug 18, 2018


Digital marketing is not always about Search Engines. What it is about, is finding new marketing channels and tools for project or business promotion.

If you are not familiar with Telegram and advertising on it, you might want to research that first, as this short article is only about how to target the right audience for your business or project within Telegram Groups.

What are the options within Telegram to gather, target and acquire the audience?

Well, we have discovered few options. First of all that is adding (inviting) people to join your Telegram group. The issue here is the restriction of how many users may be added (invited) from a single account. You as an owner of a Telegram group may only add up to 200 members. After that you need to convert your group to a supergroup and after that, even if you managed to find a database of Telegram usernames, if you try to add more than 30–50 people to your group you will instantly get blocked / restricted for inviting / adding more members.

*To upgrade one of your groups to a supergroup:

iOS: Go to the group info page > ‘Edit’ in the top right corner > scroll down to the ‘Convert to Supergroup’ button.
Android: Go to the group info page > tap “…” in the top right corner > choose ‘Convert to Supergroup’.
Telegram Desktop: When in the group, click “…” in the top right corner > ‘Manage group’ > ‘Convert to Supergroup’.

We, at Freegram, have found a solution of overcoming this obstacle. What we do is we first add real registered but inactive accounts into a group and them perform the invitations of other Telegram Group Members on behalf of those inactive accounts. That requires some coding and knowledge of Telegram API, however that is for another topic. The main point is that we have that option to invite unlimited amount of group members into your group, so now we need to find the right audience for you.

For that we have developed a variety of pre-sets of audiences. For instance our Blockchain Enthusiasts consists of members that we have separated into 4 major groups:

You can check them our here.

The other option is custom targeting , which works as following:

  1. Research within telegram search and / or Google for groups that have the most relative audience to your business / project.
  2. Compile a list of such and attach it here, all we need are just links to those groups. With some code we are able to pull out the userbase and invite them to join your group.
  3. Make sure you have a pinned post in your group about why those users have been invited into your group. Best practices show that Telegram users are OK with being added to a group if that group is of interest to them as searching for groups within telegram is still a nightmare, due to the fact that Telegram shows only top 3 results when you try to search for something within that app.

We strongly believe that by inviting Telegram users into a group that is indeed relevant to their interest is good for both: our client and the end users as well as they discover this way something they would miss out on, so don’t try to invite everyone into your group — look for people that will appreciate your invitation.

