Beta-version of the Neluns App will be available this August!

Mobile application for iOS and Android

The Neluns
1 min readJul 27, 2018

Applications for iOS and Android will make it easy to transfer, exchange operations, receiving and giving out loans in fiat and cryptocurrencies (p2p-crediting) just in two clicks.

The iOS and Android applications will allow you to make all possible trade operations within the Neluns ecosystem: buy and sell cryptocurrencies on the Neluns Exchange in one click, make an interest receiving deposit in the Neluns Bank, receive a loan from the Neluns Bank, provide or receive a loan on the P2P-platform, make transactions anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.

Neluns mobile application for iOS and Android devices will make bank and exchange operations accessible at any time from any part of the world. While around the clock support services will instantly solve all users’ issues.

Have any questions? Contact our support team via Telegram. The link is below.



The Neluns

Innovative financial ecosystem composed of 3 unique elements: a Bank, a Cryptocurrency Exchange, and an Insurance Company.