The Indian Subcontinent — ICON’s untapped market

Reaching far and beyond to onboard new ICONists and spread the word

Icon Guide Star
4 min readApr 4, 2020

Hola ICONists!

By way of introduction, we are a bunch of multilingual crypto enthusiasts based in the UK, determined to make a difference with our skills in the crypto market. We strongly believe in the principles of the ICON foundation and have been closely following them since inception. We see a huge potential going forward in this space, which has prompted us to become a PREP. We want to take this opportunity to outline our motivations, how we think we can help ICON grow with our in-house marketing and tech skills.

Remember, sharing is caring!

Over the past few weeks, we have spent most of our time crunching numbers from various sources over the internet. And from what we have seen so far, it appears that most of the content- blogs, videos etc., around ICON is predominantly created in English, Korean or Spanish. So we wanted to delve in it a bit more to see if we can help to spread the word about ICON to the masses breaking the barrier of language.

1. Did you know approx. 23% of the total population of the world is concentrated in one region — the Indian subcontinent.

Percentage of WORLD Population living in the Indian Subcontinent

This means, almost 1 in every 4 people alive on the face of the earth today lives in one of the 7 countries within the Indian subcontinent.

2. Here comes the interesting part though, the Indian subcontinent covers only about 3% of the total land area of the world!

Land Area to Population Comparison

You can therefore well imagine how densely populated the area is. Well, some countries more than others.

3. When it comes to comparing the headcount in the region versus other parts of the world, the subcontinent spearheads with a whooping 1.81 BILLION people.

Can you imagine that! That’s like 397 people per sq km (this number compares to approx.. 15 people per sq km overall in the world). Africa isn’t further out with 1.32 Billion.

Putting things into perspective here, USA and Europe together hold 1.1 Billion people although they own up to 13.4% of the total land area of the world.

Population Comparison across the world

4. Let’s talk a bit more about what is the Indian subcontinent. The 7 countries that constitute the region are India (obviously!), Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives (drooling of an island getaway already 🤤🌴 🏄🌴 🏄 🏖 🏝🏖 🏝).

The Indian Subcontinent

Out of the 1.81 Billion folks in the entire region, 1.38 Billion are actually in India, which makes this country the heart our focus. Our research also shows, that the region is exposed to a plethora of varied cultures and boasts 650+ languages in total. Now that’s some serious language skills going on there!

Languages spoken in the Region

Our goal is to raise awareness about ICON and its use cases in new frontiers by breaking the barriers of language and geography.

We will onboard new audiences and educate them about the fundamentals of ICON along with sharing information which will drive the increase in popularity of the ICON Project.

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