Tips & Tricks to Start A Successful Weight Loss Training Program

Iconic Fitness
3 min readAug 5, 2018


In UAE, taking control of your weight is an important and often daunting process. According to a recent study, 70% of UAE men and 67% of UAE women aged 15+ are considered overweight, which means starting a weight loss program for beginners is an important step in curbing continued weight gain.

The path to getting fit and healthy can be intimidating — especially when working alongside people who have already hit or exceeded their weight-loss goals. But fortunately for beginners, starting is often the hardest part throughout the whole process. Once you start seeing the benefits, which extend far beyond physical appearance, finding the motivation to do better and grow stronger becomes a simple routine. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will see results and ultimately change your life.

Here are a few tips to getting started and staying motivated through your weight loss training plan.

Start slow

One of the main reasons people quick weight loss training programs is because they get burned out too quickly. In the beginning, having a personal trainer who will teach you proper form and alignment while walking you through a detailed, personal program is a great way to ensure you are working toward a goal that is manageable and expectable.

Don’t compare

Another reason people often quit these types of programs for beginners is because they want to see results faster and because they are too often comparing themselves to those they see either at the gym or online. Understanding that your weight loss training journey is your unique path will help you curb expectations and focus solely on bettering yourself, whatever that means to your body.

Trust the process

If you are working with a personal trainer, or through Zumba and nutrition programs designed to maximize your calorie reduction and build muscle, it’s important that you trust the process — and try as hard as possible. The varied choreography and cardio movements in Zumba paired with personal and unique nutrition programs are designed to get you into shape quickly and effectively without noticing the hard work you put in.

Most importantly — celebrate small and large wins. Whether it’s hitting personal bests or losing weight, the best way to continue to grow and get better is to notice when your goals are being hit, and then continue setting new ones. The best way to notice results is to take before-and-after pictures. Because seeing small changes week after week is difficult without anything to compare to, having images will help you see clearly that your hard work is actually paying off.

Whatever your goals are, working with Iconic Fitness weight loss programs will give you clear and manageable goals personally designed to fit your specific body. You will gain a mentor and a friend dedicated to making you the best possible version of yourself through hands-on work, motivation, and goal-setting. To start working toward a better you, contact us today.

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