Season 5 Episode 2: Where is the Love?

Iconic Wives
8 min readNov 21, 2023


*Candee and Mike walks in event*

Candee: Everything looks so nice. I can’t wait for the ladies to come. Hopefully they behave tonight.

Mike: I’m sure they will. Everything will be fine babe don’t worry.

*Camryn and Nick arrives at event*

Candee: Hi Camryn hey Nick. Welcome ladies. *smiles*

Camryn: Hello Candee *smiles* Hey Nick boo!! *hugs*

Nick: Hey Candee! How long has it been?? Girl let me tell you. I’ve been thinking about starting a boutique

Camryn: You should! I think it would be right up your alley

Candee: I been good Nick. And you should. That sounds lovely.

Nick: Thank you ladies! I’m gonna give you guys more information as the planning goes on. So Candee how have you been? What’s new?

Candee: I been good. Just been busy with my tour. Mike & I are going away next week. Dealt with a lot of stuff with my daughter so yeah I been good.

Nick: Tour?? Congrats!!

Camryn: Congrats Candee

*Candee’s Friend, Melanie, arrives*

Candee: Yes baby. Thank you ladies. *turns around* hey Melanie boo

Nick: Who’s This?

Melanie: Hey love. *smiles and hugs* thank you for the invite.

*cocks head looking at nick* The name is Melanie. And you are?

Nick: Hey Melanie.. nice to meet you girl! You look great. My name is Nick Moore

Melanie: You look gorgeous! Thank you and nice to meet you.

*Nick and Cam walks to bar*

Nick: Girl this only moscato?? Candee cheap

*Meridia walks into event*

Camryn: Meri you look cunty bitch

Nick: Meri yassss! … Girl why Candee only got moscato. Like damn where’s the budget

Camryn: The allowance money must’ve dried up *laughs*

Nick: So Camryn have you spoken to candy recently? How are y’all ?

Camryn: I mean I was just around her for cookies celebration. It was very awkward

Nick: Omg!! Cookies celebration?? I missed that. How did that go?

Camryn: You did. Actually you were a topic of discussion to the two ladies there

Nick: Wait huh? A topic?

Camryn: She felt like you broke girl code for some reason

Nick: Who felt like that? Candee? She jus said hi and was being nice

Camryn: Cookie

Nick: Well what did Candee have to say about this?

Camryn: Candee said she felt like you broke girl code as well. But we’ll talk more in depth about it soon

Meridia: oh wow y’all messy tonight *sips*

Melanie: *walks over to Candee* you invited ladies that don’t support you or something??

Candee: I was trying to be nice but clearly you can’t be nice to bribe ladies.

Melanie: Maybe this is why you can’t be nice to everyone.

Because kindness is clearly taken for weakness.

Candee: Yeah I think your right. I need to go make my speech anyways before the drama starts.

*Mike walks to staged*

Mike: Hello everyone can I have your attention. We are here because My girl Candee has a very special speech to make. Please listen up you might learn something.

Candee: *walks to stage* Thank you everyone for coming. Tonight means a lot to me and my family. My daughter Amelia had to go under emergency heart surgery. They found a small tumor near her heart and it broke my world. I couldn’t have gotten through this without my friends the one who supports me and my boyfriend Mike. Please everyone check on your body and listen to it. That’s all. Thank you everyone in this room.

Nick: *walks on stage and takes mic from Candee* I also wanna thank Candee for putting together this event. Thank you for spreading love for this circle! I wish the best for your family *looks at Candee* *smiles at the guests*

Candee: *smiles at Nick* thank you.

Camryn: *claps* great speech

Meridia: Class Act! *claps*

Nick: *whispers to candee* I’d like for us to speak after this. *walks off stage*

Candee: *on mic* Thank you Camryn. Now show support & stop being messy thank you. *oh hey Meri.

Camryn: Excuse me? Girl maybe you should express your feelings and not suppress them *laughs*

Candee: *on mic* You heard me Camryn. Now hush

Melanie: I feel like this is not the event to be acting like this…

Camryn: And nobody was talking to you *looks at Melanie*

Melanie: Camryn hun. You making this event about you when it’s not about you.

Camryn: Again I ain’t gonna entertain the extras in the background

Melanie: Then why you talking bitch?

Camryn: Is Candee paying yall on a salary?

Melanie: Shut the FUCK up. do you have the salary after your divorce?

Camryn: Girl I am paid everyday boo. Now stop taking to me bitch

Melanie: If we are so lower than you. Stop talking to me bitch. If you not going to do nothing shut up.

Camryn: Do something bitch

Candee: *looks around room confused*

Nick: Okay I think it’s time for me to depart… This is not DC….

*Candee walks into the crowd*

Candee: Meri boo I don’t know. I’m so lost. But Cam. You need to be nice to my girls

Camryn: Candee control your pits before they have to go back to the pound

Candee: Camryn you started with them. Just be quiet baby. And then they will stop.

Camryn: I started with them??

Melanie: No she not going to disrespect and talk crazy about Candee at HER event. Be grateful you got invited somewhere. Dumb ass bitch.

Camryn: Girl you’re delusional

Candee: Yes. You did. You been rude since you got here.

Camryn: I’ve been invited to better places

Candee: Then you can exit. Goodbye Camryn

Melanie: Then leave. For I move you bitch.

Camryn: Move me then. *looks at melanie* Move me

Candee: Melanie boo trust me she’s not worth it.

Melanie: *aims a drink towards Camryn but it spills on the ground* Shut up you thirsty slut.

Camryn: Awwww you’re so hurt

Melanie: *grabs purse and hugs Candee* I don’t even know why you joined this environment back. These women are NOT your friend.

Camryn: I don’t know why I am around this trailer park trash anyways

Candee: *hugs Melanie* baby I know who my friends are.

Camryn: She’s not even black

Melanie: Does it matter my race????? This an all black group? *walks to Camryn*

Candee: Now Camryn don’t bring race into this.

Melanie: Does my race offend you? Bitch say it again.

Candee: You went to far now.. Melanie let’s go.

Camryn: It’s okay this melanin puts fear in your heart. You wish, you had this *slaps ass*

Melanie: No bitch you don’t. I see better melanin at this party.

Camryn: Awww it’s okay you can never be kin folk. At least I don’t look a like a duck with lips. *laughs* she wish she had this *twirls*

*Melanie exits the event*

*Camryn walks to section with Nick and Meridia*

Camryn: *walks over to meri* how dare them

Meridia: this was confusing, I don’t even know what we came here to celebrate tonight. All this mess this early? Y’all need to do better

Camryn: Like please don’t bring the help around to do your work. They should be fixing the decorations or cleaning the floors

Nick: Camryn you good girl?

Camryn: Girl that dry ass drink

Nick: What drink?

Camryn: Melanie threw that drink at me. Like the trailer park trash that she is

*Candee walks over to the rest of the ladies*

Candee: No she’s my friend. You went way too far.

Camryn: I sat there and looked pretty and that trash heep threw a drink at me. now if I would’ve gotten up and popped her upside her head then I would’ve been sued or locked up.

be very glad that I am not that woman any more

Candee: But you mention her race. That was very rude. of you. You say that you are not the same woman but Cleary you are.

Camryn: She’s not black!! What do you want me to say

Candee: You didn’t have to bring up her race. You always cross the line. It’s sad. Anyways thanks for coming.

Camryn: It’s true. She is not a black woman, she will never. As much Botox and filler and injections she gets she will never be black. She is man made not god made

Candee: Don’t do that. My friend is very beautiful. At least she came here to support me and not throw shade behind my back like you & Nick did.

Nick: When Did I throw Shade???

Candee: But you can exit now Camryn thank you.

Nick: It’s the other way around

Candee: *looks at Nick* Oh baby please stop. You called my event broke.

Camryn: But how do you invite Nick to an event and still feel a type of way about her? It’s giving weird

Candee: Because Camryn we are a sisterhood. You still feel some way about me. Don’t you? I will address Nick when it’s the right time. Tonight is not the night.

Nick: Okay Candee *gets up*

Camryn: Girl I haven’t spoken to you in how long?? I don’t feel no way about you because I could care less

Candee: Bye bitch. *giigles*

Camryn: Anyways Candee I’m not gonna entertain you because I’m not free. Toodles bitch *waves*

*The ladies are seen exiting the venue*

Camryn: *sings oh freedom while walking out*


