How to Attract New Donors with Text Messaging

iConnectX Solutions
3 min readOct 21, 2022


Many nonprofits are using text messaging a.k.a text to give to attract new donors. They do this by sending out a text message with a link to the donation page. This is a much more convenient way for people to give because they don’t have to go through the trouble of finding their credit card and filling out the donation form.

Text messaging is an effective way to reach out to potential donors. Text messages are quickly becoming one of the most popular methods of communication between people. A study found that 91% of people always have their mobile phones with them and 77% use their phones for texting.

In addition, text messaging is a cost-effective way to reach out to potential donors because it doesn’t require any additional infrastructure or hardware. It also has a higher open rate than email, which means that more people will see your message in their inbox and may be more likely to respond accordingly.

What is the best way to use text messages for fundraising?

Text messages are a great way to raise funds for your organization. The messages are fast and easy to use, and they allow you to connect with your donors in a personal way. But how do you get started?

Here are some tips on how to use text messages for fundraising:

  • Send updates on the work of your organization, like when you have an upcoming event or fundraiser
  • Ask donors for small donations or help in spreading the word about your cause
  • Send thank you messages after people donate

Texting as a Recurring Revenue Source for Nonprofits:

Texting is a simple and effective way to increase donations.

Texting is a great way for nonprofits to reach their supporters. Texts are an easy way for people to donate money, answer polls, and provide feedback. It’s also a great way of getting information about the organization out to people who might not have found it otherwise.

People text more than they call nowadays, and cell phone plans often include unlimited texting which makes it a very cost-effective marketing channel

Text Messaging Campaign Best Practices for Fundraising Success:

In this section, we are going to talk about some of the best practices for text messaging campaigns. We will cover how to reach out to your supporters and how you can use texting as a tool for fundraising.

1) Reach out to your supporters:

The most important thing is to reach out to those who have already donated or volunteered with you in the past. These are people that are interested in what you are doing and want to be a part of it. Texting them is a great way of reminding them that they can do more than just donate or volunteer with you.

2) Create an effective text message:

Your messages must be concise, clear, and engaging. Remember that people have busy lives, so don’t overwhelm them with too many words or ask them for too much at once.

3) Keep it simple:

One of the best things about texting is that it’s quick and easy-to- to read. Keep your messages as short and sweet as possible-this will not only save you time but also give your audience more time to think about what you are saying so that they can respond accordingly.

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