Icons of Theia Backstories #2: Peter

Icons of Theia
5 min readOct 12, 2022


Welcome to the second chapter of Icons of Theia Backstories, where we will tell a bit more about the origins of your favorite Icons. Check out here to read the first chapter, where we introduced you more about Koze, the Wind’s Proxy.

As always, if you wish to learn more about Icons of Theia, make sure to check our website to find out everything you need to know about the game. Also, you can already sign up for a Beta invitation spot when it is made available — just click the “Sign Up for the Beta” button and create your account.

Today, we are heading over to Edrea, home of idyllic landscapes, gorgeous architecture, beautiful works of art… and many, many parties and events.

And there is where Peter, the Life of the Party, hails from. Enjoy the reading!

The Life of the Party

The youngest child of one of the most affluent noble Houses of Edrea, Peter’s upbringing was deeply intertwined with glamour and extravagance. His rich parents, the Marquis and Marchioness of Montemajori, famous patrons of arts and culture, hosted numerous legendary luxurious parties and events throughout the years, helping Peter to quickly realize his own talent to entertain and serve people — eventually in his own, epic social events, mostly hosted in the capital city of Dorata, considered by many as one of the most beautiful cities in all Aurora.

He led this bohemian lifestyle for most of his youth — in spite of the clear changes the world, Edrea, and the people around him were going through: the appearance of the Crystals, the futile attempt to destroy them, the Attunement of the first Icons… many people told him of the foolishness in pursuing a life of unserious — in their eyes — debauchery and decadence when everything was massively shifting.

However, not only Peter ignored it, but in fact became more encouraged, believing that, when facing such a massive transaction, people needed, more than ever, ways to escape reality, at least for a single night. But change, also came to Peter, in a way he couldn't have imagined.

The start of the Vijayan Reunification Wars, and the threat of a seemingly long-gone foe awakening from its slumber, led by the powerful warrior everybody called the First Icon was the catalyst for change in Edrea. Seeking to create their own Icons for the defense of the country, the Doge organized a massive endeavor, mandating all Edrean citizens aged 16 or above to stand in front of the single Crystals located in Edrea, in order to identify the Gift, and instantly undergo the Attunement Ritual.

The “Trial of the Crystals” was grandiose for its magnitude, but the events on the day of Peter’s Attunement became truly legendary.

Waves after waves of citizens, all standing in front of the Crystal for twenty seconds. For almost all of them, nothing happened, and they were asked to move on, for another person was ready to take their place, ready to receive the judgment of the Crystals.

Peter didn’t expect anything once his turn arrived. There were no signs he had the Gift — he had barely any ability in combat, intellectually he was similar to others. The only thing that truly differed him from his peers is that he knew what people desired… and was able to provide it to them.

The increasing glow wasn’t the first thing Peter felt when he approached the Crystal — rather, the rhythmic pulsation, emanating from inside his own body, growing the closer he got to it indicated something was different. Suddenly, piercing light emanated from the Crystal, and a strong force swapped the ground underneath his feet, raising him into the year. Closing his eyes against the growing brightness, Peter felt something entering his body… no, not his body, entering his soul.

Some minutes later, everything was over, and he was brought back to the ground. The Crystal was already back to its normal shape, as if nothing had happened. The pulsating feeling inside Peter’s body, however, remained.

And more did change too. He didn’t gain incredible combat abilities, nor could he manipulate objects and elements like other Icons were rumored to do. His power was deeper, more intimate than that.

Later that day, the famous sculptor Michel faced the Crystal, and what followed was the longest Attunement Ritual ever recorded. For two days, he remained lifted, the mysterious energy beam penetrating his body. While staring at the suffering old man, he could hear the emotions, the feelings emanating from the core of Michel’s soul. Fear and agony were mixed with hope, and… excitement? How could that be?

When the Crystal finally retreated, all thought the artist was dead. Peter, however, feeling the life inside of Michel’s body, alongside the inaudible cry for aid, rushed to the scene, and eventually helped save his life. The two men became close friends since.

Peter then realized the full extent of his Gift: the ability to be able to clearly feel other Icons’ feelings and emotions when close to them, being able to recognize exactly what they were in need of. Realizing that this could be used beyond simply for indulging in — as he was used to — Peter acknowledged his true vocation to support, help and entertain allied Icons — the ones who will be fighting for the freedom he so much cherishes during these trying times.

Since that fateful day, his reputation across Edrea increased, and throughout the years, he became a respectable member of their society, and eventually, of the government leading the Serene Republic. His personality and skills, alongside, of course, his unique Gift, played a huge role in securing the vital alliances with Bainbridge and The Hálsful, ensuring Edrea’s backline would be protected, resulting in the creation of the Union of East Aurora.

And that would be all! Did you enjoy it? So make sure to let us know Discord and Twitter and stay tuned for the next edition. See you around, Theians!



Icons of Theia

Icons of Theia is an upcoming turn-based strategy game coming out soon for Android and iOS