Icons of Theia Closed Beta — Patch 0.61 Notes

Icons of Theia
2 min readNov 16, 2022


Hello Theians!

For the first time ever, we are releasing an official patch notes article following today’s release of the first content update of Closed Beta 1. Make sure to join our Discord to discuss all changes!

Patch 0.61 Notes

New features:

High Ground — Hills have been added to our maps. If your Icon is on a hill, you’ll get +1 Attack and +1 Defense.

Guardian Level scaling — The guardian’s stats will now scale based on the average icon level of both teams

AI Improvements — Before the bot would turtle on its backside so tweaked our AI with a new, bit more aggressive play style.

Bug Fixes:

Leaderboards — You should now be able to access the leaderboard and see you ranking properly. Note: You only earn rating playing PvP games. We are currently evaluating this and will make any announcements to allow ratings to bot games.

Random game ends — Games randomly ending and showing post-game screen have been resolved.

Websocket errors — On Thursday, we experienced an API websocket issue, causing lots of moves to fail. This has been resolved.

5 stars game crashes — Games, where you earn 5 pts, will no longer crash.

Lots of ability fixes — Various errors from playing abilities or the inability to play an ability have been addressed. This includes issues with Selena’s charge, Vitares’ swap, Florence’s heal, and others.

Other game crashes and other minor bug fixes



Icons of Theia

Icons of Theia is an upcoming turn-based strategy game coming out soon for Android and iOS