Icon.X World Support-and-Earn Tutorial

Icon.X World
3 min readFeb 10, 2024


Icon.X World Support-and-Earn was released on Feb 9, 2024 with the aim to allow ICNX hodlers to Stake their tokens on the Teams of their choice to earn rewards based on their performance.

To celebrate this new feature release, we are launching a 30 days long Genesis Staking with special perks:

  • A fixed 23% APY on the ICNX Staking and no dependency on the Teams performance yet.
  • Staking in the first 36 hours post TGE (Feb 9 at 11am UTC) and for at least 24 days in total will grant you a Boosted APY with our Partners’ tokens.
  • Staking at least 2,500 ICNX during at least 24 days out of 30 will grant you a Genesis Race Pass to participate in High Stakes Tournaments.

How to Stake

Go to the Staking dApp

First step is for you to go to https://staking.iconx.world

Connect your Wallet

On the page, you can then connect your wallet by picking Metamask.

Check your Balance

Once your Metamask Wallet is connected, you should be able to check your ICNX balance on the top left widget.

Manage your Stake

Pick a team by click on the “Manage” button on its card, it triggers a modal with an option to “Stake” and one to “Unstake” your ICNX tokens.

You can manually set an amount you wish to “Stake” on the team before clicking on the “STAKE” button.

NB: Same goes for Unstaking.

IMPORTANT: Set your Max Spend Amount

Upon clicking on “STAKE”, a Metamask pop-up will appear prompting you to set a Max Spend Amount; for the Staking to go through, you must at least set it using the same amount as the maximum amount you want to Stake in total.

For instance, if you want to Stake 35 ICNX on 3 Team, you must set it to 105.

Confirm the Transaction

Lastly a final Metamask pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the Staking transaction. Upon confirmation, you should see a “Success” pop-up appear on the top of your screen.

Check your Stake

Lastly, you should see your Staked ICNX on the top left aside your available ICNX to Stake. If so, you’re all set!

