Hyperbridge ICO review

ICOpicker & Friends
8 min readJul 27, 2018


Hyperbridge is aiming to create a platform that facilitates deployment of blockchain projects and Dapps. It has something for both, the creators and the users. While the Blockchain technology is yet to be explored to its fullest potentials, with more and more businesses — including the giants like Boeing and IBM recently — showing their interest in this technology leaves little to no doubt that Blockchain is the technology of the future. To keep at pace with the fast-evolving technical advancements, business have started to adopt “Blockchain Technology” to run their micro-economies. A quick observation of everyday news and events surrounding Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies coupled with massive institutional investments (a recent research showed over 50% of the investments in ICOs is institutional) pouring into Blockchain projects is a convincing indicator of the fact that there is already a growing demand for mechanisms that facilitate an easy adoption and deployment of blockchain technology. This is where the Hyperbridge’s innovation fits in as it provides a platform which makes it all easy for both creators and consumers alike. Exploring the potentials of this interesting project, here’s our detailed Hyperbridge ICO Review where we find out what is it all about, how they are to achieve what they claim, the use case of their platform, the team, their ICO details and what you should be knowing before participating in Hyperbridge ICO.

BlockHub — A Digital Distribution Platform, Marketplace, and Future of Crowdfunding Applications!

Blockhub is the premier product of Hyperbridge wherein they’re developing decentralized protocols to bring both the creators and consumers together. The concept of Hyperbridge’s Blockhub is to redefine the way creators and consumers interact. It identifies the major issues facing blockchain developers and provides them with a decentralized ecosystem with features that enable them to overcome those barriers.

“BlockHub is a decentralized, smart contract enabled platform where users can search and install new and existing decentralized applications, and where developers can fund, market, and launch their applications.”

Currently, it is difficult for creators to publish decentralized applications or DAPPS because of the complexities involved in the process and high fees involved in traditional publishing models to make it costly for developers and businesses. Blockhub is a platform developed to help them publish DApps at the fraction of the cost they would be incurring otherwise and it also makes the process easy. Moreover, the platform hosts a range of features for developers that allows decentralized crowdfunding, asset tokenization, tokenized licenses and more. The entire ecosystem will be powered by the HBX tokens that can be used for a purchase, fees, bounties, and transactions.

An open platform for content creators

Blockhub will be an open platform for the content creators allowing them to share their work with a community and easily convert their existing projects to be supported by blockchain infrastructure. This means on Blockhub ecosystem they will be able to accept payments in cryptocurrency and host and manage their digital assets. While they also save on fees and charges which in traditional marketplaces is an average of 30% they also benefit from quick and seamless payment processing through an integrated wallet. Blockhub aims to make it not only easy for content creators to reach out to their potential customers but it also makes the entire process decentralized and leveraging the blockchain technology it makes it cost-effective and transparent as well.

Facilitating creation of Blockchain based Micro-Economies: Redefining Indie Gaming Space

Blockhub will enable enterprises and blockchain projects to create industry-specific micro-economies. Catering to the varied requirements of different industries Blockhub provides them with tools to formulate industry-specific terms of service, contract fulfillment, payment terms, digital rights management, etc. As a pilot project to develop its first micro-economy, Hyperbridge will utilize the Blockhub (Hyperbridge decentralized protocols) and redefine the Indie gaming industry. Currently, there are many challenges and barriers to entry that even talented developers face. One of the biggest challenges is to promote themselves in the community and also face a crisis when it comes to raising enough funds to support and develop their projects. This not only keeps the industry from new games but also creates an environment which is favorable to only Big Studios who have vast networks and big Budgets.

“BlockHub enables the creation of a publisher identity that allows the submission of game projects to the community forum. Contained within the developer UI is the ability to submit projects, define project parameters, set funding goals, create unique digital assets, and define monetization characteristics both in-game and within the app marketplace.”

To help both the developers and consumers, blockhub will allow a no-fee entry to both where they can seamlessly interact and mutually benefit from meaningful engagements. The platform will allow developers to pitch and promote their projects and games including ideas to a dedicated and industry-specific consumer base.

Catering to a Multi-billion Dollar Market

The e-sports and the online gaming market is huge and is expanding at an unprecedented rate. Research estimate that the market will double itself in coming few years. Currently, there are 2.2 billion gamers generating a revenue of over $100 billion annually. The huge market size means tapping into the gaming industry Hyperbridge has immense growth potentials. The innovative Blockhub powered by Blockchain technology provides an edge which can be capitalized to disrupt the current trends and make a place in the highly profitable gaming industry. However, it is also important to note that the existing opportunities are in proportion with the neck to neck competition. While creating a sustainable marketplace with enhanced tools and features may not be an all-out innovation rather an optimization of the technology the functionality of the platform is what will define how much of the space Hyperbridge is able to make for themselves.

Strong Use Cases: Why Hyperbridge Can be a Developer’s and User’s Favorite?

The Blockhub which is an ecosystem of Hyperbridge’s decentralized protocols has a strong and varied practical use case. From crowdfunding to asset tokenization and tokenized licensing the platform simplifies and makes otherwise complex and expensive process easy and cost-effective. Crowdfunding which has emerged as a great source for getting funds for developing and giving shape to an idea can be easier, more effective and transparent with Blockhub. For instance, Indie Game developers will be able to host their games on Blockhub Marketplace to either sell it or to develop it further.

“If a developer requires funding for their game project, they will easily and efficiently be able to generate and submit a smart contract that will denote the terms of a crowdfunding campaign. The crowdfunding protocols manage the creation and deployment of the crowdfunding contract and structured within the contract are mechanisms that enable the staged release of funds dependant on developer progress which will be determined by a contributor voting mechanism.”

The users or the contributors will be able to track the development of the project in terms of the predefined milestones and thus making the entire process more transparent.

Moreover, “Utilizing the BlockHub licensing templates, Indie game developers will have the ability to tokenize their licensing, making their applications usable only by those who possess a token associated with the game.” This will ensure that any use of their application requires the purchasing of their license.

The Blockhub ecosystem will be further developed for a number of use across various industries like music, charity, online publishing and those that involve digital assets creation and transfer.

The Team

The Hyperbridge team is a lot of tested and proven industry experts. Their Director of Technology, Eric Muyser has 10+ years of experience in the tech startup sector. He has been at the forefront of web development for many organizations including some S&P 500. Also, he has been a judge and mentor at popular hackathons like nwHacks, Local Hack Day, and Canada Learning Code. Joseph Cullen, Director of Business Management at Hyperbridge is a Former VP of Operations at FS Media (TSX:FDM). Their Graphic Design lead Lucas Simoes, has over 10 years of experience in Graphic Design and advertising. He is also the Founder at Art Generation Studios, a successful digital design, and marketing business in Brazil.

Their Advisory boasts of some very experienced names like John King Burns, Managing Director at Neur Science, and Former Managing Director/Global Head of Structure Derivative Finance at Barclays Metals/Barclays Bank PLC; Dr. Peter White Professor and Director of the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University. He is founding Director of the GeNA Lab where his teams research communication strategy, big data, and blockchain and work with organizations to apply these areas.

Hyperbridge Token Details

The hyperbridge token “HBX” is developed on top of Ethereum’s Blockchain and is built on Ethereum’s ERC 20 protocol. The tokens have a number of use including participating in current and future micro-economies within BlockHub. They can be used to purchase membership subscription, marketplace apps and in-app purchases., publishing d’apps on the marketplace, incentivizing curators to review their projects, and for other non-basic operations and more.

“Fees collected by Hyperbridge will be put into the Hyperbridge Reserve. Each day, up to a maximum of 0.5% of tokens present in the reserve will be sold to users within the platform in order to maintain liquidity and generate revenue. The price for each token will be determined by taking an average of available third-party exchanges.”

Hyperbridge ICO Details

The Hyperbridge Public token sales scheduled to launch on November 11, 2108. 30% of the total 100,000,000 will be made available to the public. 5% of the tokens will be sold privately. Verified KYC users will be able to exchange ETH for HBX at the price of $0.055 USD. Here’s the token distribution chart for HBX tokens.

The allocation of procured Funds:


Hyperbridge is an interesting project and it can be a game changer in the gaming industry. Here are some of the advantages that make this ICO stand out from the rest.

  • Very strong and defined use cases — The Blockhub that hosts the decentralized protocols can work wonder for developers and talents across the gaming industry as it not only makes it easy for them to benefit from blockchain technology but also provides them a space to reach out to industry-specific customers with negligible costs.
  • Focused roadmap — The project has been keeping up with the schedule and it has a clear vision and defined roadmap. That is indeed a plus.
  • A strong team — The Hyperbridge team is diverse with a strong background and industry experience.
  • Benefits to both the users and developers — The platform has definite benefits for developers but also it has benefits for customers who are always protected by a smart contract and transparency of the platform. They get everything at one place and also save with their purchases.
  • Immense development and growth potentials — While the market thy cater to generates over $100 billion in revenues every year, Blockhub is an evolving platform. It’s ability to evolve to cater to a range of “industry specific micro-economies” not only makes it scalable but also indicates that the platform has the ability to expand and adapt.


  • Highly Competitive Market — The gaming industry is indeed booming but there are “sharks” that Hyperbridge will be competing against. The innovative integration of blockchain and advanced features on the platform give them an edge though.
  • Creating a community can be rather challenging — While there is benefits for developers who would be more than willing to participate, acquiring and getting customers onboard to create a balanced community can be challenging initially. That would require strong and streamlined marketing.

The Verdict

It’s not only the idea that drives the project but also the execution is extremely important. With Hyperdridge as I’ve already mentioned they aren’t a groundbreaking innovation but a meticulous optimization of the existing technologies to create a better environment removing unnecessary intermediaries to cut down costs for both developers and users. It has some benefits and strong practical uses for players in the booming gaming industry. The platform can adapt, adopt and expand to multiple sectors. While the team looks balanced and experienced the reviews and reports show that they are also focused and all geared up to make it worth for the entire community on the whole. As someone looking to participate in their ICO we can say that the acquired HBX tokens have all the potential to increasingly create value.



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