ICOStart Advisor — Paolo Siligoni

1 min readMay 10, 2018


We are proud to annunce that Paolo Siligoni, member of Crypto Valley Association of Zug, and CryptoPolis of Chiasso, is a new advisor of ICOStart

You can read our WhitePaper here: https://ICOStart.ch/wp.pdf
Russian WhitePaper here:https://icostart.ch/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/WhitePaper_RU.pdf
Onepagepaper: https://ICOStart.ch/onepagepaper.pdf
Website: https://ICOStart.ch
e-mail: info@icostart.ch
Blog: https://icostart.ch/icostart-blog/

Here is a simple video explaining our services:https://youtu.be/_Jn1kdhF1ww

Telegram group: https://t.me/ICOStartOfficials
Telegram news channel: https://t.me/ICOStartNews

Medium: https://medium.com/@icostart.ch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IcoStart_ch
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