How Is Virtual Reality One Of The Booming Trends Of Construction Industry?

Albert Smith
4 min readSep 25, 2017


In the world of architecture, the very first step to constructing a structure is to create a design and present it to the clients. Even before the creation of the final design of a structure, there is a lot of thinking and brainstorming that goes into it. These days, there is a trend among the architects to present 3D rendering models of architectural concepts. With the use of such models it is possible for the architects to test the designs and the concepts before the final construction is started. Moreover, the clients could see the project through different angles and sides and decide on the changes that are important to be made. With 3D rendering models it is possible to take a tour of the virtually constructed project. It is also important to note that virtual prototypes of the architectures are of great help when it comes to make clients understand the undertaken concepts completely.

One of the main reasons behind the growing importance of virtual reality in architecture is to convince non-architects and non-engineers. There must be many customers who do not have any idea on the construction. To make them understand the concepts and the designs of the buildings and structures easily, 3D animated and interactive models of the projects are always helpful. Given below is a list of benefits that make virtual reality one of the most talked-about trends of the construction industry:

· Virtual reality allows the architects to detect errors in designs. It also helps to make necessary modifications and alterations according to the requirements of the clients.

· With realistic view of the concept and the upcoming model, the architects are capable of avoiding costly mistakes. Thus, they can check all the aspects of proper functionalities of the buildings or structures being constructed.

· This helps in increasing job safety and alerts the managers and supervisors of possible hazards that can cost life and property. They can check the safety aspects of the site without even paying a visit there physically. Thus, a lot of damages could be saved.

How can virtual reality in construction industry increase collaboration?

It has been noted that the use of virtual reality in the construction industry can increase collaborations between the contractors, designers, as well as the architects. In comparison to conventional architectural drawings and plans, realistic presentations help in better understanding of the designs and the concepts. Thus there is a lot of scope for sharing ideas among them and discussing the pros and cons of the designs being made. It was earlier not possible with typical drawings. The use of this technology in architecture is practical as well as useful.

Growth of realistic presentations

As more and more number of young employees enter the construction industry, there is an increasing trend among them to use software for creating concepts. Perception of people towards architectural drawings and presentations are changing. This has resulted in an increase in the acceptance of the people towards realistic presentations. Today, the clients can take a tour of the construction project both inside and outside even before actual construction starts. Owing to such popularity, there has been a growth of virtual reality software, programs, and applications that people are using.

Knowing virtual reality better…

Based on the immersion experience of the target audience, the concept of VR can be divided into two different types. One of the types is the semi-immersive type and the fully-immersive type. The semi-immersive experience the user is capable of experiencing both the real and the virtual worlds simultaneously. In the case of completely immersive virtual technology, the user can completely submerge as well as interact with the created 3D world.

Today, there are quite a few devices in the market and software with the help of which it has been easier to create a virtual, but realistic presentation of the constructions. This has always provided a better perception of designs that are being made for the construction projects.

It is important for the architects to remember that they are not creating designs for the clients, but are creating experiences for them. Virtual realistic presentations help them to get a vision of their lifestyle in the construction that is being done. The sheer feel of being virtually inside an upcoming project or the home of dreams is surely enthralling and exciting for the audiences.

