ICX Station Announces Support for ICONbet

2 min readJan 28, 2020


Hello from ICX Station,

We are excited to announce our support for ICONbet. At the time of writing, ICONbet has generated over five million transactions and over $140,000 average daily volume over the past week; it is the number one DApp on the ICON Network and in terms of dollar value of daily volume it hovers around the top 30 measured against DApps across all blockchain networks. Given the success in its early days we are excited to support the project in taking the next step forward.

We find ICONbet interesting not only because it is currently a top 30 DApp across all blockchains, but also the ethos around giving control to the community via DAO votes using the IRC2 TAP tokens. We have observed several votes take place since the inception of ICONbet, and these activities appear to drive significantly more user engagement — an essential component of building a strong community.

With the support of ICX Station, we hope to see ICONbet continue to grow its KPIs of volume, daily active users, and community size. ICX Station offers strategic support (including but not limited to: high-level strategy planning, token economics design, and community growth efforts) and potential funding for strategic initiatives. While there are many exciting use cases of blockchain technology, provably fair gaming with the immutability and payment infrastructure of blockchain presents a meaningful opportunity to find genuine adoption. We look forward to supporting the growth of this project.

Your Partner in Blockchain,

ICX Station

