Clans — FAQ

Icy Squid Game
3 min readAug 26, 2022


  1. What is a clan?
    A: Each account can establish a clan and all Vikings / Valkyries on the account automatically belong to the clan.
  2. Why should I establish a clan?
    A: Only clans can win treasure chests and get higher nobility rewards.
  3. How much does the clan cost?
    A: 20k ICY.
    - If you build a rye farm in spring, you get a15k ICY discount.
    - Each Valkyrie you send to the Great Army will give a 4k ICY discount.
  4. I don’t have enough funds to make a clan, what can I do?
    A: You don’t need to do anything. If one of your Vikings / Valkyries wins the Icy Squid Game, he / she will automatically establish a clan for free.
  5. How can I prepare for clans?
    - Make sure you have your leaders on your account and unstaked. Leaders need to be always unstaked, they are too busy to work on ICY farms/mines.
    - Have enough ICY / Valkyries on your account so you can send them to the great army.
  6. How can I name my clan?
    A: If you have named your Ebisu’s Bay profile, we will take the name from there. Every clan can be always found from the clan list with account address and name both.
  7. Any reason to make a clan quickly?
    A: While we have some early bird promotions for first clans, it won’t give you any long term benefit. As long as your clan is up before the September Squid Game, you won’t miss any Clan Points.
  8. Who should I choose as the leader?
    A: Your best Viking + Valkyrie. Epic is always better than rare or normal. If you have many epics, it may be a harder choice.
    - Low attack makes you much more likely to survive three early games, but makes you weaker in the final battle.
    - High attack makes you less likely to survive three early games, but if you are alive in the final battle, you will be one of the favourites.
    - Rare eye and weapons traits give you small benefits. It doesn’t make it any more likely to get the lucky bonus (1/10 chance), but when you get the bonus, there are less competitors who got the bonus also. There can be quite a difference if 50 or 150 Vikings/Valkyries get the lucky bonus.
    - It’s up to you who you choose. Very specialized fighter or someone that is quite good in everything.
  9. There will be a third leader later, who is that?
    A: in Q1/2023 when 2nd gen Vikings are born, the first child of your Viking/Valkyrie will join the leaders.
  10. Viking + Viking is an option also. Any difference?
    A: Viking+Viking can be quite a strong option in early game, but they will never have 2nd gen Viking as a 3rd leader. They can hire Viking / Valkyrie to be their hero and 3rd leader.
  11. Why no Valkyrie+Valkyrie leaders? Lagertha+Astrid please.
    A: Unfortunately this isn’t possible for game balance reasons. There are much more epic Valkyries than Vikings and it would make it too easy to make an optimal clan.
  12. Great Army? Tell more.
    - Great Army lives in: 0x4baC815b004aBc9aB2a4026617E10Ad10CF62AC5
    - Vikings / Valkyries sent to Great Army fight eternal PVE war against Finnmark’s neighbours.
    - First task of the army is to conquer the west side of the river and kill the troll defending it.
    - Army also is responsible for building projects of Finnmark. Bridges, walls and castles.
    - They aren’t owned by anyone, won’t participate in Squid Games and belong to the Great Army forever, or until they die.
  13. When clans can be made?
    A: 18.00 GMT today, on 26th of August. Full details will be published then.



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