Why AI Can Never Replace Interior Designers

Samiksha Gupta
5 min readSep 27, 2023

AI is taking over a lot of jobs. It’s killing the scope of human beings working in a lot of industries, especially in the IT sector. However, it cannot take over the job of any creative person. There’s really no AI interior designer.

As an interior designer, I have been asked these questions by a lot of people recently-

  • “Is there any AI app that I can use to design my house?”
  • “Can I do it myself with the help of an AI app/software?”
  • “Why should I spend so much money on an interior designer when there’s AI now?”

While these questions tick me off a bit, I keep my cool and just make peace with the fact that people, even today are so unaware of what exactly interior designers do.

It’s a failure of the entire design community if we have not been able to educate people about our jobs. And with AI taking over, it’s only becoming more disheartening and discouraging.

Nonetheless, with such questions taking a rise in my DMs, I want to address this once and for all.


Let’s understand why.

1. Machines Cannot Be “Creative”

