Announcing Dream

Idan Beck
3 min readOct 4, 2018


Hello World,

Today, we are releasing Dream after nearly 3 years of development!

Dream makes it possible to meet and collaborate in virtual reality unlike anything else. Have a remote stand up with your team using Trello, or present a PDF from your Google Drive or Dropbox. Conduct a design review from the comfort of your home with people around the world, or simply watch YouTube together.

Dream decouples where you work from where you live, and is now available for free on the Oculus store.

We built Dream from scratch to produce an intuitive and unique experience. We’re super proud of it and hope you love it as much as we do, but I bet you might be asking yourself right now,

“Virtual reality? I thought that was for video games…”

Naturally, entertainment and media experiences have taken center stage. These experiences have had a much easier time advancing VR from concept to product and if you’ve tried virtual reality you might recognize the mental leap that can occur— extrapolating a few floating polygons into an infinite assortment of experiences. Virtual reality taps into the inner vein of our imaginations, so it’s easy to want to immediately skip ahead to this endgame.

However, there’s something really big here — something that could fundamentally improve our lives, and start doing so today. Virtual reality holds the key to meaningfully connect people around the world, and actually unlock remote collaboration in a way that currently only in-person meetings can accomplish.

We are all too familiar with the promise that the internet would make working from anywhere possible. Yet, looking around, it seems that most successful internet-based companies have large centralized campuses in dense areas. At the end of the day, people have to decide whether they are willing to put up with the cost of living near work, or hours of commute.

What if you could simply be as effective working remotely from home as being in the office? What would this make possible? Instead of coordinating meetings, and spending hours commuting to meet others, you could instead jump into a virtual space with others and get stuff done.

Ultimately, this is what Dream is all about. We believe that Immersive Computing is for bringing people together and enables collaboration in a way that current form factors cannot. This is our promise to our future users, we want to make you more productive and effective. We want to help you save your time, so you can spend it on what actually matters to you.

Dream is a testament to what a group of 4 incredibly passionate and hard working souls are able to accomplish when every detail is held to the highest standard. We chose the hard path, and did the hard thing, because we don’t believe this future we want will just happen on it’s own.

So here’s to the misfits and underdogs. To the crazy ones and the outsiders. To all of you that want a better world and are tired of waiting for it, take this journey with us and help us make virtual reality useful. Together we can finally fulfill that promise that technology made years ago!

Idan Beck
Dream — CEO

Thank Yous and Funding

We have been entirely quiet about Dream for the past few years which was mostly due to the fact that we were busy coding every available minute. However, we have been blessed to have the amazing support of some terrific people both in and out of our team, as well as our amazingly supportive investors and advisors. A deep thank you to you all.

We have not recognized or announced our investment up until this point, and it is hard to express just how supportive our investors have been given the general environment for VR since 2016. As such, I’d like to recognize how lucky we have been to have the support of Resolute Ventures who led our $1.7M round in Jan 2017 along with Precursor Ventures, Lemnos, Social Capital and Jonathan Yaffe.

