Idan Bliech
2 min readFeb 2, 2023
Lightning Debug Mode: A Vital Feature for Salesforce Developers
Lightning Debug Mode: A Vital Feature for Salesforce Developers

As a Salesforce developer, debugging and troubleshooting your code can often be a complex and time-consuming process. Fortunately, the Lightning platform provides a useful feature to assist with this — Lightning Debug Mode.

Lightning Debug Mode is a feature that enables developers to view the underlying Lightning framework and the components that make up a page. With this feature, developers can see how their custom components interact with the framework and other components, which can be helpful in identifying and resolving issues more quickly.

To activate Lightning Debug Mode, simply go to the Lightning Experience setup and select “Debug Mode.” Once enabled, a blue debug information panel will appear on the right side of the screen. This panel displays information about the components and events on the page, as well as any errors or warnings.

One of the key benefits of Lightning Debug Mode is the ability to inspect the flow of events as they occur. This allows developers to understand the sequence of actions that lead to an error and make it easier to identify the source of the issue.

It’s important to note that Lightning Debug Mode can also be used to debug managed packages. This is particularly useful if a managed package is causing issues and the developer needs to understand how it works internally.

In conclusion, Lightning Debug Mode is a vital feature for Salesforce developers. It provides valuable insights into the underlying framework and components, making it easier to identify and resolve issues. Whether working with custom components or managed packages, this feature can save time and effort in the development process.

If you want to quickly toggle Lightning Debug Mode for the current user, you can use the following Apex code.

// Use apex to retrive and update UserPreferencesUserDebugModePref
Boolean current = [SELECT UserPreferencesUserDebugModePref FROM USER WHERE Id =: UserInfo.getUserId() ].UserPreferencesUserDebugModePref ;
update new User(Id = UserInfo.getUserId(), UserPreferencesUserDebugModePref= !current);

To run this code, simply copy and paste it into the Execute Anonymous window in the Developer Console and press the “Execute” button.

This is a convenient way to quickly activate or deactivate Lightning Debug Mode without having to go through the Lightning Experience setup process.

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