How To Think Like A 9-Year Old And Be Awesome At Whatever You Do

I. Dan Calinescu
2 min readAug 3, 2016

Ten years ago, when we got married, my wife and I made a life-changing family “management” decision.

We decided to raise our future children without a TV.

Imagine that. A TV-less childhood.

Ten years and four children later, I’m happy to report that our family “management” decision is paying off. Big time.

Not having a TV in the house means that there’s lots of time left for creativity. Like reading (you know, books), writing, playing and — wait for it — thinking. Lots of it.

Sure, we don’t have a TV, but we do have 6 whiteboards. And counting.

There’s rarely a day when someone’s not writing something on a whiteboard.

Today, I was floored by what my oldest daughter, age nine, wrote.

She was playing a game that involved writing a few pieces of advice about education.

The last item on the list was good, I just had to take a picture of it and take moment to digest it.

Here it is:

If you have something to do, DO IT, do not go to school to learn about it first.

She completely nailed it.

If you have something to do, DO IT, do not go to school to learn about it first.

She is so right.

I believe this applies to any sort of activity one may undertake in life.

Whether you’re learning your fractions or whether you’re trying to start a new business or whether you’re dreaming of your ideal job. Just DO IT. Get going already. Don’t wait to get a degree on how to do it, first.

Just DO IT.


If you want to start a business, you don’t need to get your MBA first. Just start your business. Today.

If you want to learn how to code, you don’t need to go to college first. Just start coding. Today.

If you want to be a Product Manager, you don’t need to take a course on Product Management first. Just start working a product. Today.

If you want to <INSERT DREAM HERE>, you don’t need to take a professional course, degree or certification first.

Just DO IT.




I. Dan Calinescu

Carmel Creator & Chief Evangelist / Fluid Trends CEO & Co-Founder / Proud Dad x4 & Imperfect Husband / Tech Nerd & Storyteller —