Android OS Design Is Better Than iOS Design

Daniel Roman
2 min readMar 11, 2016


So you are probably rolling your eyes right now, if your iOS fan. But the matter of fact is that it’s true. Now I am not a hardcore android fanboy, I accept that some stuff is better on iOS then on android.

But ever since android was updated to material design. Android design has been doing great, from the flat design to the colors you choose when designing an app as well.

iOS since getting a makeover from iOS 7 has inspire some of the design we see on android and change how design should be on phones. But having it be the same style on iOS is pretty sad. The only that has change on iOS is the flat design and that is it. Everything pretty much stayed the same.

Take my home screen on android. Right now I am not using the Google launcher that comes with Nexus 6. I am using Action Launcher and third party icons.

What everyone I hope can agree on is that android design came be design to meet your needs. Apple on the other hand gives you a design that it thinks everyone likes, which makes sense to some users. But for others having control of design is more important.

How can you not like android material design look?

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