Curse words deeper meaning.

Ida Ortiz
1 min readOct 17, 2023


In the podcast “Words, Words, Words, A podcast by Robert Tinajero, in episode 48: Shit! Cussing and our brains talks about cussing with science. On how cussing relates to the way we communicate. He then begins referencing a book that talks about brain functions on left side of the brain oversees logic, motor function etc. However, when we cuss the right side of the brain lights up. For example, in the book that the speaker is referencing it says that when you say shit or fuck, you’re not simply saying a word, it’s actually an impulsive word coming from the brain. Also, talks about how most curse words have a meaning that is known to the surface but depending on the situation we use the word, there’s a different meaning. Furthermore, in the podcast its talks about a study that informs us that when we use curse words for some reason it helps reduce pain, decrease social pain etc. In addition, I strongly agree with the aspect that relates to the use of curse words. Because of many elements and the studies proven.

