Hazrat Ali (RA) — The Lion of Allah

6 min readDec 8, 2023


Hazrat Ali (RA) whose full name is Ali Ibn Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib was the cousin, son-in-law, and a very close companion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The name of Ali (RA) comes from the list of the bravest and most courageous companions of the Holy Prophet in Islamic history. Hazrat Ali (RA) belonged to the noble family of Quraish. His mother’s name was Fatimah and his father’s name was Abu Talib who was the chief of the Banu Hashim tribe and also served as the custodian of Kaaba.

Table of Contents

  1. His Physical Appearance
  2. Early Life
  3. Acceptance of Islam
  4. His Title “Asadullah”
  5. Caliphate
  6. Achievements
  7. His Martyrdom
  8. FAQs

His Physical Appearance

Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) face was as good-looking as the full moon. He had a great body. He was broad-shouldered. The soft ends of his bones were as great as the bones of a predatory beast.

Early Life

Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) was the youngest son of Abu Talib and Fatimah bint Asad. His father, Abu Talib, was a respected leader in the Quraysh tribe.

He was raised in the household of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after the death of his parents. He grew up under the guidance and care of the Prophet, who played a significant role in his upbringing. This close relationship with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a profound impact on Ali’s character, knowledge, and devotion to Islam from a very young age.

Acceptance of Islam

Hazrat Ali (R.A) accepted Islam at a very young age, around nine or ten years old, becoming the first male to embrace Islam after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the revelation. Ali (R.A) was raised by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadijah (R.A), and his close relationship with the Prophet meant that he witnessed the revelation and teachings of Islam from the very beginning.

One well-known account depicts the moment when the Prophet invited his close family members to accept Islam. While others hesitated, Ali immediately embraced the faith, acknowledging the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad’s message. His unwavering dedication and commitment to Islam earned him the title of “The Lion of God” (Asadullah) and “The Gate to the City of Knowledge” (Bab-e-Ilm).

His Title “Asadullah”

Hazrat Ali (R.A), known as “The Lion of God” (Asadullah), earned this title due to his extraordinary bravery, valor, and unwavering courage in battles fought during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and afterward. His exceptional bravery, both on the battlefield and in various challenging circumstances, led to his recognition as “The Lion of God.” This title symbolizes his courage, strength, and devotion to defending Islam and its principles.


Hazrat Ali (R.A) became the fourth caliph of Islam following the assassination of Hazrat Usman (R.A). His caliphate marked a crucial period in Islamic history, characterized by both challenges and accomplishments. During his leadership, Hazrat Ali (R.A) faced internal conflicts and opposition from various quarters that challenged the unity of the Muslim community. His reign focused on restoring justice and maintaining the principles of Islam. Despite the challenges, Hazrat Ali (R.A) left an indelible legacy through his teachings, wisdom, and efforts to uphold justice and the Islamic faith.


Hazrat Ali (R.A) had numerous achievements during his lifetime:

  1. Scholarly Wisdom: He was renowned for his immense knowledge of Islamic teachings, law, and governance. His contributions to jurisprudence and understanding of the Quran are highly respected.
  2. Valued Counsel: Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) advice and guidance were sought after by his contemporaries, including the previous caliphs, due to his wisdom and understanding of various matters.
  3. Military Prowess: He displayed exceptional bravery and leadership in several battles, defending Islam and the Muslim community.
  4. Spiritual Eminence: Hazrat Ali (R.A) was known for his piety, humility, and devotion to God, setting an example for Muslims in their spiritual pursuits.
  5. Fairness and Justice: During his caliphate, he prioritized justice, ensuring equitable treatment for all, regardless of their status or background.
  6. Educational Contributions: His emphasis on education and imparting knowledge benefited many who sought to learn and understand Islam.
  7. Poetic and Literary Contributions: Hazrat Ali (R.A) was a prolific writer, known for his eloquent speeches and letters that emphasized ethical principles and spiritual values.

His life and contributions continue to serve as a beacon of inspiration for Muslims around the world.

His Martyrdom

Hazrat Ali (R.A) met his martyrdom on the 21st of Ramadan, 40 AH (661 AD). He was struck with a poisoned sword while praying in the mosque of Kufa, Iraq, by a person whose motives were rooted in a political dispute. The wound proved fatal, and Hazrat Ali (R.A) passed away a few days later on the 21st of Ramadan. His death was mourned across the Muslim community as a profound loss, marking the end of an era and leaving an indelible legacy in Islamic history. Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) martyrdom serves as a reminder of his unwavering commitment to justice and his sacrifices for the betterment of the Muslim ummah.

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Who was Hazrat Ali (R.A)?
Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He was the fourth caliph of Islam, known for his devotion, knowledge, bravery, and righteousness.

What were the significant contributions of Hazrat Ali to Islam?
Hazrat Ali made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence, spirituality, and knowledge. He was renowned for his wisdom, particularly in interpreting the Quran and Hadith.

What is the significance of Hazrat Ali’s title “Asadullah”?
The title “Asadullah,” meaning “Lion of Allah,” showcases Hazrat Ali’s courage, strength, and unwavering devotion to Islam. It signifies his valor in battles and his spiritual bravery.

What role did Hazrat Ali play in the early Islamic caliphate?
Hazrat Ali played a crucial role in the early Islamic caliphate as the fourth caliph after the death of Caliph Uthman. He led the Muslim community during a challenging period and emphasized justice and righteousness.

How was Hazrat Ali related to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
Hazrat Ali was the son of Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle. He was married to Prophet Muhammad’s daughter, Fatimah (R.A.), making him the Prophet’s son-in-law.

What were Hazrat Ali’s notable virtues and characteristics?
Hazrat Ali was known for his knowledge, piety, humility, bravery, and uncompromising commitment to justice and truth. His integrity and devotion to Islam earned him respect among Muslims.

What was the reason behind the conflict and controversies during Hazrat Ali’s time as Caliph?
The primary reasons behind conflicts during Hazrat Ali’s caliphate were political disputes, opposition from various groups, and the fallout from the assassination of the previous Caliph, Uthman.

How did Hazrat Ali pass away?
Hazrat Ali was martyred in the mosque of Kufa in 661 CE by a Kharijite assassin named Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam while he was in prayer.

What are some famous quotes or sayings of Hazrat Ali?
Some famous sayings of Hazrat Ali include: “Do not be a slave to others when Allah has created you free,” “Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet,” and “Your remedy is within you, but you.

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