Beacons of Light: Our Collective Presence

Nancy Zamierowski
Collective Transitions
3 min readMar 31, 2020


Photo by Noah Rosenfield on Unsplash

Many of us working in social change or social innovation fields have built networks among people who share similar values inspired by living systems, regeneration, and holistic practices. Like mycelium, these networks span across people and organizations yet are more or less functioning “underground” compared to the mainstream.

How do we show up and become visible for those who are searching for guidance, hope and practical solutions, at this moment in time? How do we become “light towers” individually and collectively? Light towers help travelers better orient themselves at night and in times of turbulent waters. If there are three or more points of reference, navigational wayfinding becomes easier. The more differentiated the points, the more accurate the reading.

Photo by Martin Brechtl on Unsplash

Becoming a beacon of light in a collective holds a higher level of responsibility and requires maturity. Being a light tower is not about attracting people, but being a resource to stabilize the collective field. It is a form of witnessing across many spheres of activity.

When something is witnessed or seen, it can rest. What remains is the pure emotion, feeling or sense. The drama energy is…



Nancy Zamierowski
Collective Transitions

Leadership and transformation coach and facilitator. Individual and collective sensing and sensemaking. and