Knowledge Graph of General Blockchain (version 0.2)

Blockchain technology itself is the result of combination of several technologies, which is related to all respacts of knowledge. This version added the IPFS technology which isn’t belong to blockchain technology but has a very close relationship with blockchain’s application, resolving the problem of distributed storage. It is of great meanings. In addition, an important application scenario, GAME, has also been added into this version which means the version 0.2 accompanied with English version. we will continue to update our knowledge graph and welcome any constructive suggestions from you.

IDCM University
2 min readOct 16, 2018

1.The Birth and development

The birth, classification, development, nature and features.

2. Application Scenarios

Financial service, Games, credit and ownership management, resource sharing, internet of thing & supply chain and other.

3. Distributed System

Consistency problems, Consensus in distributed system and byzantine problem & algorithm.

4. Cryptography

Hash Algorithm, encryption algorithm, digital signature & digital certificate, PKI system, Merkle Tree and homomorphic encryption.

5. Token Economic

Introduction and application of principles of economic, concise game theory and its application, coase theorem and analysis of classic token economic system.

6. Main public blockchains

Bitcoin, ethereum and EOS

7. Consortium Blockchain

Hyperledger and R3

8. Risk & Regulation

Risk, regulation and personal user, institutional safty and risks on the blochchain.

9. Non-blockchain Technologies

DAGDAG technology, IPFS/Filecoin and Others

Knowledge Graph of General Blockchain (version 0.2)

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Author: Dr. Si Yan, Xiang Zhang

Editor: Jiancong Zhang

Translator: Wenlong Jiang

