Why Ideaction Deal Could Be the Perfect Way to Launch Your Startup

3 min readDec 7, 2018


“Ideas rule the world,” the popular saying goes. You often have an idea, but not always have the time, resources, or money to execute on it. There are many solutions to deal with it, starting from bringing people on-board with your idea to raising money from outside investors.

At Ideaction, we aim to help entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life. And not just as an outside third party. We want to get involved in your project and be fully committed to it, thus ensuring that you get the best possible product.

What Do we Offer?

Startups have a number of options when it comes to turning their idea into a product. The main issues are capital and resources.

When it comes to capital, startups usually have a number of options for funding. One of them is joining an accelerator or an incubator.

Accelerators and incubators are often bundled together and used as interchangeable terms. However, there are a number of important differences between the two, which you can check out in our blog post on the topic.

Instead, we aim to be a separate niche from incubators and accelerators. We don’t provide direct funding, but rather absorb half (or more) of the costs.

We can also provide a team of great software developers and UX designers that are ready to work on your project and be at your disposal 24/7.

Here’s an outline of how this program works:

  • Tell Us What You Want to Build
  • We’ll work with you on wireframes & designs
  • Experienced Product Designers/Entrepreneurs based out of San Francisco will help you develop your idea & craft the best product possible
  • In addition, we will help with user acqusition (applies to mobile apps only)
  • We’ll build lists of potential customers that you can reach out to.
  • We’ll set up a Customer-Relationship Management (CRM) so you can start tracking your leads.
  • We will help you gather feedback, the goal being to get to product market fit faster.
  • We’ll continue supporting your company with advice & best practices

Who Can Take Advantage of Our Deal?

Unlike accelerators or incubators, we don’t set any requirements as to who we work with. Joining an accelerator or incubator, or pitching your idea to a Venture Capital Fund usually requires the startup to have two or more founders.

We don’t care about how many founders your company has. Even if you are alone and have a great idea and don’t want to look for partners to join you as founders, we will take on your idea and make sure that your vision is turned into a real-life product.

In this way, we can act as your co-founder, although you will be the decisive decision-maker.

If you are a group of people with an idea, we will provide the team that will be working on bringing your idea to life.

What Do We Ask From You?

The main thing we need from you is commitment. While we are ready to work on your project as if it’s our own and dedicate our best people to implementing your vision, it’s still your idea.

Similarly, we are ready to assume a lot of the risks associated with your project, but you will have to bear the brunt of responsibility.

Once your project is off the ground and your company is starting to make money, we will assume an advisory or supervisory position on the board of your company and maintain a small stake for investment purposes.

If you have any questions, or would be willing to inquire us about a possible partnership, send us an email or get in touch with us via the chat available on our website.




We are a software development company that uses smarter UI/UX, fast execution and user feedback to turn your idea into a great product that people will love.