My Next Adventure

Jim Keat
2 min readJan 24, 2017


Asking questions is one of the most dangerous things.

Asking questions is what it means to be a human.

This past fall I began asking questions, specifically leaning into questions and curiosity about my “vocational trajectory” (thank you, Jacqui Lewis, for this phrase).

I want to lean in to uncharted territory. I want to discover the blur between physical and digital. I want to cultivate platforms and networks that invite us to be people of faith today and tomorrow and not just people of antiquity and outdated technologies.

Long story short, these questions have led me to some new opportunities.

The good news is that I was offered new opportunities to explore my questions and lean into these areas.

The sad news is that it means I am leaving my role as Associate Minister for Education at Middle Collegiate Church.

(My final Sunday at Middle will be February 19 and I will be preaching my final sermon on February 5. You can join us in person in NYC or online at at 11:15 AM EST. I would love to see at either/both days!)

So what are these new opportunities?

I am joining the team at The Riverside Church as the Associate Minister for Digital Strategy and Online Engagement. (Yes, you read that title correctly. Doesn’t it sound amazing?!)

And I am working with the Center for Progressive Renewal as the Director of Online Learning.

(And I’ve also got a few other freelance and personal media projects that I’m working on. I’ll have more on those as they come to life in the world.)

So all this to say, hello internet. You have always been my favorite playground. And it looks like I’ll spending a bit more time playing in this digital sandbox. Who wants to play with me?

(Oh, and I got a new kitten. His name is Whitman. Because he contains multitudes. Follow me on Instagram to see just how amazing he is with my daily #WhitmanWisdom posts!)



Jim Keat

Sharing ideas, amplifying voices, and discovering what it means to be human. // Pastor in NYC & online. I work with @RiversideNYC, @ProgressRenew, and more.