How Idena works

2 min readMay 8, 2019


The Idena consensus protocol is based on a proof-of-identity (POI) Sybil control mechanism and committee consensus. The consensus is designed to handle hundreds of millions of validating nodes robustly with no service-level agreement other than rules and changes resulting from the democratic decisions of its participants.

Idena is a truly decentralized network, since every node is linked to a single person. Every node has equal voting power to validate transactions.

Idena employs regular checkpoint rituals to certify a validator’s human identity for the consequent epoch. The ritual suggests the synchronous solving of puzzles — “flips” (a reverse Turing test) — in a constrained time frame: easy for a human, difficult for a bot.

Idena does not require any personal data sharing, does not reveal a person’s identity, and does not need a third-party identification center. Idena is based on a network of people mutually validating their humanness. The protocol needs to know only that a person is human and unique.

Idena enables democratic access to mining — neither expensive mining hardware nor a bunch of money is needed, but rather an average laptop that is online.

We believe that Idena brings decentralization to a new level and builds a fair consensus to avoid the centralization of the network despite the nature of capital to concentrate.

Idena provides a scaling blockchain with deep sharding. A network with millions of nodes driven by diverse people might be safely split into groups processing transactions in parallel, thus offering a solution to the blockchain “Scalability-Security-Decentralization” trilemma.

There was no human being in the blockchain so far. Everyone solves the scalability problem with centralization. We solve it by exaggerating decentralization. The human being is the only possible basis for true decentralization. Idena offers decentralization-based scalability.

Minting from transaction validation in Idena supports the payment of a UBI to validators. The base messaging layer is serverless and hosted on the end client’s device (desktops and mobile). All participants are paid in coins for doing useful work for the network (hosting their nodes, creating flips, and inviting new users). This resource sharing is rewarded with the UBI. The UBI for a single participant is enough to pay for 1000 transactions on Idena per day.

Idena considers the separate votes of people who are tied together as a single vote. Only independent voters are fully counted.

Learn more and subscribe to get notified about the Idena launch at our website.




Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: