Understanding The Right Audience For Your Uniquely Valuable Message.

2 min readJul 6, 2017

Know what you are saying and who you are saying it to, or it is likely no one will ever hear it. Unfortunately, a lot of people with great things to say haven’t figured out what kind of person is most likely to want to hear it. The best idea in the world is useless without the right people to appreciate it. How much do you know about your books’ target audience?

The Internet is the web with billions of connections. The scale is enormous. Your voice out there means nothing unless you address the right audience. Like attracts like. Successful and efficient promotion is finding relevant clusters and target them with a valuable message. It will keep you from wasting your time and appearing spammy. Contemplate where you can reach these people, what their interests are, and why your book can benefit them. Only after consummating a picture of your audience, you should start promoting.

If you have an email list, you already have an audience of people who have self-identified as your fans. They are people who have shown enough interest in your personality and topic(s) to allow you some precious space in their inbox. These and other types of organic lists are priceless sources of information about your potential readers. Take time to go through your list and analyze who your audience is. Define them and try to figure out why they took an interest in you and your business. Some of the same reasons will likely apply to why people will take an interest in your book.

Your email list is also an effective promotional tool. The proper way to use it is to send out a sequence of emails about your book launch with encouraging recipients to read and review your work. You can share your personal experience with writing a book and provide some excerpts from it. Alternatively, you can ask for reviews by sending your subscribers a copy of your book.

Start now asking the difficult questions about for whom you are writing. It will make your content better. It will make marketing the finished book a thousand times easier. In the long run, you can always branch out from there into other demographics you didn’t initially consider. Success with one group makes it easy to grow.




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