5 Good Content Marketing Examples To Get You Started!

Isaac Diaz
3 min readOct 20, 2014


Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action. — The Content Marketing Institute

Keyword is VALUABLE! You want to provide content that people seek it out, if people want to consume it, rather than avoiding it you have created something valuable! Content marketing is the base of all of your other strategies. Two of the biggest challenges that most marketers have with content marketing is creating engaging content and producing enough content. Start off by using these 5 content strategies to combat these challenges.

Five Content Marketing Examples:

Visual (Infographics) — These are generally long, vertical graphics that include statistics, charts, graphs, and other information. Infographics can be effective in that if one is good it can be passed around social media and posted on websites for years. You can get a professionally designed infographic by hiring a contractor or give it a crack yourself with sites like Canvas.com.

Webpages — What’s the difference between a normal webpage and a webpage that is content marketing? Consider The Beginner’s Guide to SEO from Moz, a provider of SEO related tools and resources. This resource, offered for free, has been viewed millions of times, bringing in countless customers who otherwise might never have stumbled across Moz and the services they offer.

Audio (Podcasts) — Using a podcast gives you verbal visibility in a completely different world — primarily iTunes. A podcast is a digital medium consisting of an episodic series of audio, video, radio, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to anddownloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device.

Videos — This is a great way to get a message across. You can produce a series or topic content using short videos that are attention getting, interactive and informative. Use platforms like vine or youtube to distribute your videos on to your website or social media.

Blog — Blogs are owned media. Your blog content is yours. A blog has the added bonus of providing an always-on crisis management channel to get your message out 24/7.
Blogs are a form of social media. Through social sharing, comments and guest posts, blogs provide the basis for building a targeted community. In fact,HubSpot‘s research showed that blogs top other forms of social media for effectiveness.
Blogs support search optimization. Because of their structure, blogs are search-friendly. You can enhance this by focusing each article on a specific keyword phrase and link to internal and external content.

The #1 Secret of Content Marketing

Add VALUE. That’s the secret. What is value? Well, if you’re not sure how to add value through content marketing, ask your existing audience what kind of content you can produce that would be helpful to them now, or would have been helpful to them when they were looking for your product or service. No need to guess what people what if they are willing to tell you.

There are as many types of content marketing as there are types of content to distribute. The idea is to give you and intro to content marketing and get you thinking like a content marketer so can act on possible opportunities. Soon you’ll be coming up with your own content marketing ideas and will continue to seek opportunities to create content.

Do you want to know more about these or other content marketing examples? Let me and I will be glad to create some more valuable content!



Isaac Diaz

Creating dynamic and passionate ideas and solutions to #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #marketing #SEO #Branding