Containerize a Java Application with the Docker WildFly image and wildfly-maven-plugin

Igor Dosinchuk
5 min readNov 3, 2022

In this article, I will show you how to containerize a Java Application by using Docker image for WildFly and the ‘wildfly-maven-plugin’.

Also, I will describe the changes required to move to this new architecture for WildFly.


  • Introduction to WildFly Docker image.
  • Download the source code.
  • Build the app with Apache Maven.
  • Create the Dockerfile.
  • Build the wildfly-app image.
  • Run the wildfly-app image.
  • Verify that wildfly-app is running
  • Move to the new WildFly architecture.


These are the tools that we are going to use in this article.

Introduction to WildFly Docker image

There are different ways to use the image to create an application image (that would contain both WildFly and your deployments) but the simplest one is to add the deployment archive to this base image and let WildFly deploy it when it…

