Eff Your Caffeine Detox

ioana dragnef
2 min readMar 5, 2017



Five years ago, I gave up meat completely.

Giving up smoking was hard, but I did that, too.

I’m in the process of successfully giving up Tim Tams (hard) and the occasional alcoholic beverage (a little harder).

I work out and meditate every day.

I drink lots of water.

But I cannot give up coffee.

Listen, I tried.

Some days I can go without it — I’ll feel too dehydrated and I’ll skip it.

If I ignore the crippling headache long enough, my body settles into a sort of uncomfortable acceptance.

The next day, my body makes it very clear that we’ve lived long enough and we no longer deserve to function.

The green tea I force down my throat ends up mostly on my face because after drinking it for five minutes I’d rather rip the bag open and turn it into a green tea face mask (true story).

By day three, I’m in bed by 6 pm.

Day four never comes because by then I’ve already decided life isn’t worth living if I haven’t consumed an entire bucket of coffee by 10 am. So I either die or consume an entire bucket of coffee by 10 am — whichever comes first. (So far, it’s the latter).

How do you detox from coffee?

Also, why?

Why would you even want to?

I’m trapped in an endless caffeine loop and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

