YouTube Revenue Revealed: Demystifying Monetized Channels

2 min readJul 19, 2023


Buying monetized YouTube channels may seem attractive, but it’s important to be cautious and consider both the advantages and disadvantages. Here are five points to consider why some individuals might prefer buying a monetized YouTube channel over starting from scratch:

Immediate monetization: One of the primary advantages of purchasing a monetized YouTube channel is that you can start earning revenue right away. This can be appealing for those who want to skip the initial stages of building a subscriber base and waiting for their channel to meet YouTube’s monetization requirements, which include a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.

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Existing audience and content: A well-established YouTube channel often comes with an existing subscriber base and a library of videos. This can save you time and effort in creating content and building a following from scratch. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the existing content aligns with your interests and brand to maintain the channel’s success.

Established channel reputation: A pre-existing monetized YouTube channel may have already built a reputation within its niche. This can provide a head start in gaining credibility and trust among viewers, making it easier to attract new subscribers and collaborators.

Potential for growth and expansion: With an established channel, you have a foundation to build upon and can focus on optimizing content and strategies for growth. While starting from scratch can be rewarding in its own right, buying a monetized channel might offer faster growth potential.

Mitigating algorithm challenges: YouTube’s algorithms can be unpredictable, and starting a new channel from scratch means you’ll have to deal with the ups and downs of organic reach and discoverability. A monetized channel, on the other hand, may have already navigated through some algorithmic challenges and gained valuable insights.

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Despite these potential advantages, there are some significant risks and challenges associated with buying monetized YouTube channels. You must thoroughly research the channel’s history, engagement metrics, and reasons for sale to ensure that it aligns with your goals and values. Additionally, if YouTube discovers any unethical practices related to the channel’s monetization, it could lead to demonetization or even account termination. Starting from scratch offers more control and transparency, allowing you to build your brand and content strategy from the ground up.

