Where can i get a credit report that’s Absolutely FREE no credit card needed?

22 min readMar 16, 2019


Where can i get a credit report that’s Absolutely FREE no credit card needed?

i know of all the credit report websites and they all claim to be free but then you need a credit card to even get through i’ve been a victim of Identity theft and seriously need help. thanks

Answer : I might suggest one to try this site where you can compare from different companies: http://creditandfinancesolution.info/index.html?src=MEDFEBEis6aiJ1nei .

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“Where can i get a credit report that’s Absolutely FREE no credit card needed?

i know of all the credit report websites and they all claim to be free but then you need a credit card to even get through i’ve been a victim of Identity theft and seriously need help. thanks

Online credit reports?
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tell me what you know about this Title 11 US Code, as Federal law.””
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I recentley recieved my score from a financial institution that I applied at, 611. I have already cleared all debt from my report, how can I imporve my score so that I can qualify for the best home loan?””
When a person in California files for chapter 7 bankruptcy do the creditors come and take your posessions?
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Astrive loan?
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“”My CIBIL Score is 729, Do I will get the loan?


“”If I file Ch 7 Bankruptcy, can I keep my vehicle which still has a balance?

How long does an online credit card payment take to go through?
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What site will give me a free look at my credit rating?
yea music lady ive seen the commercials…ive also seen their web site and they only give ya the report if you sign up for a monthly gig with em, baby.””
Credit Card verification for cam site?
Whenever you go on some webcam sites they ask for credit card verification to prove age and gender etc, but will this result in charges to the card? I have an empty debit card which I’m not going to use for a while, is this a possible solution or will it result in an overdraft for the card or something? Thanks””
Can anyone get a home loan?
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Where can I get a credit card if I have bad credit?
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Can I go back to college after failing classes and having owed money?
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Is it hard to get a best buy credit card?
Forgot to add I’m also 18yrs old with no credit history.
Do i need to put student loans on my auto loan application while I’m still in school?
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“Where can i get a credit report that’s Absolutely FREE no credit card needed?

i know of all the credit report websites and they all claim to be free but then you need a credit card to even get through i’ve been a victim of Identity theft and seriously need help. thanks


How long do you need to be employed to qualify for an auto loan?
I’m currently working part-time at my job (been there for nearly 6 months)… and now I’m keeping the same job, but i’ll be starting full-time in September. I’m a college student, and my credit is a little below average, but I do have a co-signer with average credit. I have about $200 a month to pay on a few credit cards, but I have no bills apart from that. Will it be feasible for me to get an auto loan for around $15,000?””
I have bad credit and need an auto loan! Where can I go?

Can I get a bad credit auto loan? Interest rate?
So a few years ago, I got myself in too deep on credit and car loans. I ended up defaulting on 2 credit cards and turning the car in, thus reducing the auto loan into a personal loan. I then defaulted on the personal loan a few months later. Now, I’ve graduated college and I’m making about 45k per year as a single adult and I have almost no bills. Also, I’ve payed off all my debts as of last month and now I’m looking to rebuild. Will I be eligible for at least a subprime loan?””


Concessional Housing Loan given by company and Perquisite Value of interest?
I have availed Concessional Housing Loan given by my company at 5.25% interest rate. Now consider this: FY 2007–08 Perquisite Value of entire interest as per 12BA = Rs 31051/- Amount paid by the employee (me) = Rs 15164/- Amount of taxable perquisite = Rs 15887/- This portion of the interest (Rs 15887/-) is paid by the company on my behalf and I have paid 30% tax on Rs 15887/- as it is assumed to be my indirect income. But u/s 24(b) i.e. Loss from House Property, I get benefit on only Rs 15164/- and not on Rs 31051/- Why? In my Form 16 the company has shown eligible amount for deduction u/s 24(b) = Rs 15164/- and calculated TDS accordingly. According to me the eligible amount for deduction u/s 24(b) should have been Rs 31051/- i.e. the perquisite value of interest should have been added 1st in 12BA and then should have been subtracted u/s 24(b). The same thing applies for accrued interest on NSCs, which is added to income as other sources and then deducted u/s 80C as assumed reinvested in NSCs. Please advice.””

Bankruptcy and your stocks?
If I own stocks from a company and they become bankrupt and was sold to another company, what will happen to my stocks?””
Is rabies considered armed and dangerous? rate the degree of damage caused?
thanks alot!
Probability question involving the normal distribution of credit card interest rates?
Because of the relatively high interest rates, most consumers attempt to pay off their credit card bills promptly. However, this is not always possible. An analysis of the amount of interest paid monthly by a bank’s Visa cardholders reveals that the amount is normally distributed with a mean of 27 dollars and a standard deviation of 8 dollars. A. What proportion of the bank’s Visa cardholders pay more than 30 dollars in interest? B. What proportion of the bank’s Visa cardholders pay less than 15 dollars in interest? C. What interest payment is exceeded by only 22% of the bank’s Visa cardholders?””
“”Prepaid credit card or debit card jeddah, Saudi arabia?””
I am wondering if someone can help me here about prepaid credit card, I live in Saudi arabia, I tried to apply in ahli bank but theres alot of waiting for approval, but I need the card now .and I dont want to wait I only Wanna charge it for 500 riyals…its a big headache…so please can someone guide me or tell me about any websites that could be of help to me…or easier applications for different banks in jeddah. thanks alot in advance.””
Is this a good auto loan trade decision?
My spouse took out a car loan 2 years ago. With horrible credit, the interest rate on the loan was 12%! I am a co-signer. Right now, the car is KBB valued at 14K, and the payoff is 19K. I want to buy a new house in the next two years, and I don’t want to be paying 510 per month on this car, like I do now when I do buy a house. I understand fully that I am upside down”””” in my loan….it happens all the time””
How much does it cost to file chapter 7 bankruptcy in the state of california?
about how much does it cost to file ch. 7 bankruptcy in the state of california… does it depend on the debts i have enmassed???



Bankruptcy…Help can i buy something just b4 declaring bankruptcy?
I did have the money 2 pay back when i took out the credit.. things have now changed and i am struggling to pay! I have been unwell, left single with a son to bring up had to move into a rented house. And i want talking about spending a lot of money i need a hoover if you must know and cant afford one… on and even though i am unwell with cancer i am still working to pay my way in the world so dont tell me to stop spending and pay my bills””
Bad Credit Auto Loans?
Where’s a good place to get an auto loan if your credits not so good?

Do either Equifax or Transunion provide free credit reports?
Hi, Equifax Canada provides a form to retrieve your credit score found here: http://canadian-creditreport.com/equifax_credit_report_request.pdf Nowhere does it state a price for such services rendered. Does this mean it is free? Or does this application simply provide them proof of identity, then going ahead from there means dispensing a fee? Thanks very much, Chuck””

Filing for taxes after bankruptcy chapter 7.?
I filed chapter 7 bankruptcy on November 16th of 2009. I just went to court on January 11th, 2010. Is there anything special I need to do before I file? I worked a couple jobs last year, 1 for 9 months and the other 3 months, random jobs. I was reading online that some items included in the bankruptcy may be taxable? How is this possible, if the item isn’t owed or if it was a car, taxes weren’t paid but weren’t fully charged, right? I understand on credit cards, if I purchase things they are taxed and the taxes are included on the charges made to the credit card, which I didn’t pay, of course, since I filed bankruptcy. I don’t really know what to exactly do, will turbo tax do it or do I need to hire a specialist? Thanks!””
When you pay off all your debts does your credit rating go back to normal?
I am just wondering how credit ratings work, and if you payed of your debts does it go back to normal? Help would be much appreciated.””
“Where can i get a credit report that’s Absolutely FREE no credit card needed?

i know of all the credit report websites and they all claim to be free but then you need a credit card to even get through i’ve been a victim of Identity theft and seriously need help. thanks

“”I have a simple interest auto loan, need help?””
I just found out I have a simple interest auto loan instead of a compounding interest. The difference is that, no matter how low my balance becomes, I will have to pay $9.52 in interest DAILY until my loan is paid off. This is much different than compound interest where as my balance goes down so does my interest accrued. I feel so bamboozled that I didnt realize this when we signed the loan documents. My auto loan is through santander consumer, I owe $16900 on my 2008 jeep patriot and I have been paying on it for 1 year now and my payments are $440 a month. What are my options? I know I cant refinance because I am very upside down. :( But do I have any other options? I am thinking the only thing I can do is make double payments until my vehicle no longer has negative equity. And then maybe I can trade it in, etc. Please advise.””
Can someone please explain interest rates for cars?
People. I’m asking how to calculate interest. Literally. How? I already know that if you have bad credit then the interest is high. Im not talking about this. I would like to know HOW to calculate interest. Thanks.
What does a credit plus score of 9002 mean?
I got a little paranoid because my estranged mother has all of my siblings and mine ss numbers. She used them to get credit cards and numerous other things in our names. My sister tried to buy a car and get a loan from the bank, but couldn’t because her credit was so bad. I’m just curious because I’m looking at apartments right now and if they do a credit check and I’m not approved I may have to put my mother in jail for fraud.””
Where is the best spot to fish along the tittabawassee river?

Debt Consolidation through Pentagon Federal Credit Union?
I want to consolidate two bills that equal the amount of 2200. Furniture Bill and a Macys Card,. I will be going through Pentagon Federal Credit Union. Will this look bad on my credit report? The Macys Card is on my Credit Report. Its a revolving account, so will it say closed, 0 balance, or bankrupt!! Thanks!!””
Anyone know about free credit reports?
i have been looking at all the sites i can find for a free credit report and all of them ask for a credit card. i dont want to be bothered with trying to remember to cancel within 30 days…i even tried https://www.annualcreditreport.com but once i get to the main screen and put in all my info i have to click on one of the reporting agencies and it wants a credit card number!! :P anyone know why or how i can get around this?!? Thanks!
Does Getting Your Own Credit Report Hurt Credit Score?
I want to get my free annual credit report but I don’t want it to affect my credit score. I heard that any credit report inquiry can lower your credit score.
Anyone have a Discover student card?
Trying to decide if i want to apply for one, they sent me some offer in the mail…?””

Can i transfer an auto loan to the navy bank?
im planning on buying a car, maybe before i leave for basic, so that i can start making payments before i leave and then while im in basic itll still be getting paid for with money i have saved. but if i get it now the loan will have to be through my current employers credit union. do you think i could transfer it to the navy bank when i get out of basic? and before people say you might not make it through basic, i will, or if i dont i can always go back to my current job. so im not worried about not being able to pay for it if i dont finish joining.””
What is the best and easiest way to fix your credit report?


Chapter 13 versus Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Why do we need to file both it does not make sense Chapter 13 says you can keep your stuff Chapter 7 say you liquidate it all.I am trying to make sense of this.Do I have to file both?


How much do lawyers charge to file chapter 7 bankruptcy In NYC?

How long does it take for a new auto loan to be added to my credit report?
It would be financed thru a pre-approved loan from my bank, not thru the dealership.””
“”Pay day loans, how do they know?
How do they know if another Business gave you a payday loan? Is there state laws in Florida from keeping a person from getting 2 at a time as long as there not due on same week?
About Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Does anyone know what’s going on?
My parents filed chapter 7 bankruptcy nearly 2 years ago. They were told by their attorney that all of their bills (medical and credit cards etc.) AND the house we recently moved from would all be paid off. But my mom keeps getting notices in the mail saying she still owes like $190,000 on the other house we moved from. When she called her attorney’s office to question them about this, they told her not to worry about it because it WAS paid off in the bankruptcy (and they acted like my mom was stupid for asking). But now my mom got ANOTHER notice in the mail (this time from the IRS or something) saying the same thing. Why is this happening? When we moved from this other house, we had it for sale for a LONG time. But nobody ever bought it. We did NOT abandon the house like these notices keeps implying. Why are they saying the house wasn’t covered by this chapter 7 bankruptcy, yet my mom’s attorney says it WAS?””
What is personal bankruptcy?

Best Place For An Auto Loan?
I’m looking to get an auto loan for $3800. My credit score is 651 because I’ve never really paid any bills or anything like that before. I am a college student a work part time. Where is the best place for me to apply for a loan?
My credit score is 638. Is that good?

What Is A Payday Loan Or Cash Advance Loan?
Can any1 explain it to me?
What are the primary and co-borrower options on an auto loan (in Texas)?
My best friend (who is now my boyfriend) is in a conundrum of sorts. In his last relationship (in which he was engaged) they bought a car together. Her credit was not (and from what I understand is still not) good enough to get a new car financed without a terrible interest rate so he was the primary borrower (large income, great credit) and she became the co-borrower. Here we are about 1.5–2 years into the 6 year note (I believe) and she has been constantly late paying for her car. Right now it’s about 3 months late (and has been that late before) which I believe is in repossession territory. What are his options? She wouldn’t agree to have it financed in her name alone because the interest would make her payment sky-rocket. He won’t pay it himself (even though he did in the past after they first broke up) for reasons I don’t know. What I’m looking for are his rights”””” and what action he can take. My suggestion is for him to pay for it””

“Where can i get a credit report that’s Absolutely FREE no credit card needed?

i know of all the credit report websites and they all claim to be free but then you need a credit card to even get through i’ve been a victim of Identity theft and seriously need help. thanks

