Wishing you a speedy recovery, my dearest.

2 min readSep 9, 2023


Loved you yesterday, love you today, love you tomorrow, and always will.

Dear my Love, Habentara Abian.

I hope this small gift finds you feeling better and on the path to a swift recovery. I want you to know that you have been on my mind constantly, and I am sending you all the positive energy, love, and support during this challenging time.

Seeing you unwell breaks my heart, but I know that your strength and resilience will help you overcome whatever obstacle you are facing. Please remember that you are not alone in this journey; I am right here by your side, ready to provide anything you may need to make your recovery as smooth as possible.

As each day passes, I am hopeful for your speedy recovery. Our shared moments have taught me about your determination and courage in the face of adversity, and I have no doubt that you will conquer this obstacle with the same strong spirit.

I understand that the road to recovery can be tough, but please keep in mind that you have a support system that loves and cares for you deeply. Whenever you feel discouraged or in need of a listening ear, remember that I am here for you, ready to offer comfort and encouragement. Let us walk this path together, hand in hand.

Take your time to rest and heal, allowing yourself the much-needed space to recover fully. Remember to listen to your body and follow the advice of your healthcare professionals. In the meanwhile, I will eagerly anticipate the day when I see your infectious smile and those sparkling eyes once again.

I miss your smile, I miss your laughter, and at the end, I miss you so bad.

Please know that my thoughts and well-wishes are with you every minute of every day. I cannot wait to see you regain your strength and get back to doing the things that bring you joy.

In the meantime, please rely on my love and support. If there’s anything I can do to make your recovery more comfortable, don’t hesitate to let me know. You mean the world to me, and I will be here, cheering you on every step of the way.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, my dear boyfriend. May you soon regain your vitality and return to the life you love.

With all my love and warm wishes,

Cesilia Valerie. ❤︎

