iEveEra web designing and web development company in Andheri…

Introduction to Web Design and Development

iEve Era Digital Marketing
3 min readJan 9, 2023

iEveEra Company made the process of building a website is referred to as web design and development under this general heading. It requires the two key skill sets of web design and web development, as the name would imply. A website’s appearance and feel are determined by web design, while its functionality is determined by web development.

ieveera web design and web development company in andheri.

Web design and development combines both artistic and technical problems, but with some practice you’ll be able to solve them from end-to-end on your own. Elements of web design ,Color,The Politics of Design

iEveEra terms for the two roles are frequently used interchangeably because there isn’t usually a clear boundary that distinguishes them. The jobs change along with the web’s ongoing development.

Web Design vs. Web Development:

Web designers and web developers have some skills in common, but they also need to be experts in their respective domains. Since aesthetics are a big part of web design, designers need to understand more about what makes a website seem good and make sense to visitors. For multi-featured front-end apps, they must be proficient in design tools like Adobe Dreamweaver, JavaScript, and scripting frameworks. They must also ensure that everything they produce, including logos and colour schemes, complements a company’s brand.

web design vs web development

On the other side, web designers define the aesthetic constraints within which web developers construct the website’s functional elements. They guarantee that the web designer’s vision for the final result is realised thanks to their sophisticated programming abilities. Structured Query Language (SQL), Python, Java server development, machine learning, the creation of APIs for interacting with objects, database tools and server architecture, and agile systems analysis are just a few of the more advanced programming languages and skills that web developers must be proficient in.

Front-end development, back-end development, and design:

Front-end development and design are responsible for what the user sees and are done in a browser. Colors, layout, fonts, and images — everything that contributes to a website’s branding and usability — are defined by design, which calls for software like Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, and Sketch.

Front-end development describes the process of putting that design into action using coding languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Users are able to interact with buttons, photos, text, contact forms, and menus thanks to these languages. They also play a crucial role in responsive and adaptive design.

A website operates as intended because its front and back ends are constantly in contact with one another. The conductor is basically a back-end developer. With the aid of programming languages like Ruby, PHP,.Net, and Python as well as frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Code Igniter, they ensure that servers, databases, and applications coexist peacefully.

Some front-end developers are designers, while others are programmers. Some designers refuse to touch any code.

As the web development industry has become so huge in the last two decades, it has brought the attention of many people who are constantly sharing their own opinion

each web design element is in service of making the website as easy to use as possible: so people visit and interact with the website over and over again.


