Bringing Serenity to Your Life: Mastering the 99 Names of Allah With Siri Automation on iPhone.

Ismael Adekunle
8 min readSep 15, 2023


The Sacred Journey of Dhikr–How Siri Automation Can Be Your Guide.

Photo by Muhammad Amaan on Unsplash

Have you ever wished that time you were angry and there was a companion to remind you to do Dhikr and find a moment of serenity and peace? Or that time you envied your fellow man, the emotion evoked dark thoughts, and you wished there was a way to reduce the deep envious feeling?

The Significance of the 99 Names of Allah

We have all been there, the emotional darkness that seizes our hearts and minds and may trigger decisions and actions we later regret. Learning and mastering the 99 Names of Allah, also known as the Asma ul Husna, bring tranquility and calm to our lives and foster a deep sense of spirituality and connection with the Divine. Reciting these names frequently can protect us from the darkness of our hearts.

A few months ago, my wife was so excited because I set up a Siri automation system on her iPhone to learn the 99 Names of Allah, and she said she knows all the names of Allah by heart due to the Siri automation setup. And she challenged me to write this article because I used her as an experiment, and it worked for her. And I hope it works for you, too, as you implement the system on your iPhone.

This article is the third installment of the series on Dhikr and how to do more Dhikr; you can read about the first installment about How Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) Can Help You Achieve Inner Peace. The second installment is about How to do more Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) using Siri automation on the iPhone.

If the tech stuff is too difficult for you, hijack your teenage kids for a few hours, bribe them, threaten them, or do whatever you do to make them obey your command and let them sort out the tech stuff below for you. And better still, make your kids install this tech stuff on their phones.

This article will explore how to use Siri Shortcut automation to increase and memorize the 99 names of Allah.

Siri Automation: A Spiritual Companion

Siri Automation enables you to create personalized, context-aware commands for Siri to execute automatically. By harnessing this feature, you can seamlessly integrate spiritual practices into your daily routine, fostering spiritual growth.

Setting Up Time Trigger

Using the Time trigger, you can schedule your daily moments of spiritual reflection:

Figure 1
Figure 2
  1. Open the iTunes app on your iOS device (if you don’t have it, download it from the App Store). Tap the iTunes app.
  2. Click on the search bar, type 99 names Quran, and purchase and download the 99 Names of Allah song. Note: If you can’t afford the song, download a free mp3 version of 99 names online and transfer the song to your iOS device using a Mac or Windows laptop. Download 99 Names of Allah mp3 here and transfer it to your iOS device.

3. Open the music app

4. Search for the song 99 Names of Allah in the music app

5. Confirm that the song appears on the music app

6. Open the Shortcuts app on your iOS device (if you don’t have it, download it from the App Store). Tap the Shortcuts app.

7. Click on the automation icon in the bottom center corner

8. Tap on the “+” on the right top corner to create a new shortcut.

9. Tap on the “Create Personal Automation” button

10. Tap on the “Time of day”

11. Set the Repeat section to “daily” and fix the time of the day for whatever time you desire; for me, I set it to 7:00 am and then finally, Tap on the “Next” button

12. Tap the “Add action” button

13. Type “play music” on the pop-up search box that shows up and press enter on your keyboard

14. Tap “Music”

15. Search for the song 99 Names of Allah in the music app

16. Tap “+” on the right corner of the 99 names of Allah

17. Tap “Next,” and make sure the 99 names of Allah song is displayed along with the play music on the left

18. Tap the “Ask Before Running” and ensure it is off.

19. Tap the “Done” icon in the top left corner

20. When done, you will notice on the automation page that when it is 7 am, the song (99 Names of Allah) plays.

Using Charger Trigger

Set up a Charger Trigger to play the song automatically when you connect your device to charge:

Figure 3
Figure 4

1. Open the iTunes app on your iOS device (if you don’t have it, download it from the App Store). Tap the iTunes app.

2. Click on the search bar, type 99 names Quran, and purchase and download the 99 Names of Allah song. Note: If you can’t afford the song, download a free mp3 version of 99 names online and transfer the song to your iOS device using a Mac or Windows laptop. Download 99 Names of Allah mp3 here and transfer it to your iOS device.

3. Open the music app

4. Search for the song 99 Names of Allah in the music app

5. Confirm that the song appears on the music app

6. Open the Shortcuts app on your iOS device (if you don’t have it, download it from the App Store). Tap the Shortcuts app.

7. Click on the automation icon in the bottom center corner

8. Tap on the “+” on the right top corner to create a new shortcut.

9. Tap on the “Create Personal Automation” button

10. scroll down your iOS device

11. Tap on the “Charger” button

12. Tap on the “Next” icon in the top left corner, make sure the checkbox for “is connected” is tapped

13. Tap the “Add action” button

14. Type “play music” on the pop-up search box that shows up and press enter on your keyboard

15. Tap “Music”

16. Search for the song 99 Names of Allah in the music app

17. Tap “+” on the right corner of the 99 names of Allah

18. Tap “Next” make sure the 99 names of Allah song is displayed along with the play music on the left

19. Tap the “Ask Before Running” and ensure it is off, and then Tap the “Done” icon in the top left corner.

20. When done, you will notice on the automation page that the song (99 Names of Allah) will play when the iPhone is connected to power.

Utilizing App Trigger

With the App trigger, you can initiate the song’s playback when you open a specific app:

Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
  1. Open the iTunes app on your iOS device (if you don’t have it, download it from the App Store). Tap the iTunes app.
  2. Click on the search bar, type 99 names Quran, and purchase and download the 99 Names of Allah song. Note: If you can’t afford the song, download a free mp3 version of 99 names online and transfer the song to your iOS device using a Mac or Windows laptop. Download 99 Names of Allah mp3 here and transfer it to your iOS device.

3. Open the music app

4. Search for the song 99 Names of Allah in the music app

5. Confirm that the song appears on the music app

6. Open the Shortcuts app on your iOS device (if you don’t have it, download it from the App Store). Tap the Shortcuts app.

7. Click on the automation icon in the bottom center corner

8. Tap on the “+” on the right top corner to create a new shortcut.

9. Tap on the “Create Personal Automation” button

10. scroll down your iOS device

11. Tap on the “App” button

12. Tap on the “Choose” icon, make sure the checkbox for “is opened” is tapped

13. *Type the name of all the distracting apps, social media apps, or game apps, or even you can use a phone app if you get calls from a toxic person. Tap on the app with a check box on the right side. *

14. You can click as many apps as possible and tap “Done” in the top right corner.

15. Tap “Next” in the top right corner.

16. Tap the “Add action” button

17. Type “play music” on the pop-up search box that shows up and press enter on your keyboard

18. Tap “Music”

19. Search for the song 99 Names of Allah in the music app

20. Tap “+” on the right corner of the 99 names of Allah

21. Tap “Next,” and make sure the 99 names of Allah song is displayed along with the play music on the left

22. Tap the “Ask Before Running” and make sure it is off, and then Tap the “Done” icon in the top left corner

23. When done, you will notice on the automation page that the song (99 Names of Allah) will play when any apps are opened.

Note: Getting overwhelmed with Siri automation is easy, so you should thread carefully and take one step at a time.


Siri Automation’s Time, Charger, and App triggers offer a fantastic way to incorporate spiritual practices into daily life. You can deepen your spiritual connection by using this feature to learn and recite the 99 Names of Allah audio.

Embrace technology as a tool for mindfulness and spiritual growth, and let Siri be your guide on this sacred journey of learning and devotion.

If you have struggled with doing Dhikr consistently and figured out how to overcome it, please comment on your experiences in this article.

May Allah guide us, and he alone knows the best guidance.

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