Commands You Need to Know to Pass The LPI Linux Essentials Certification

Ifeanyi Otuonye (REXTECH)
5 min readNov 25, 2022


“Quick Stop At Command Shop”



Linux commands share the form: command option(s) argument(s). Together, in a list format, we are going to go through the essential commands you have to know to pass the LPI Linux Essentials Certification. Furthermore, I employ you to dive deeper into each command’s option(s) and argument(s) yourself, using hands-on practice in your own command line interface, personal research and other resources. This will help you get a holistic understanding of each command as the information in this post serves only as a “Quick Stop At Command Shop”: a compiled list of essential commands.

Upon writing this, surprisingly, I recently passed this certification with a perfect score of 800/800, so I hope you trust me when I say, “I will not lead you astray!”


The LPI Linux Essentials Certification is designed for those who want to validate their fundamental Linux knowledge and skills. Passing this certification proves your understanding of the Linux and open-source industry, knowledge of the popular open-source Applications, major components of the Linux operating system and technical proficiency to work in the Linux command line. The most critical aspect of the exam is its assessment on the fundamental understanding of security and administration related topics such as user/group management and permissions.

Please note, there isn’t any educational pre-requisites needed to take the exam. You can be a total newb, put in the work to skill-up using this post, along with other resources and be eligibility to sit and pass the exam. Also, a bonus, once you pass this certification, it is valid for life!


· Basic knowledge and use of computer systems (desktops, laptops)

· A Linux Command Line Interface with “sudo” privileges as non-root user

Now get on your preferred Linux Command Line Interface and let’s get to it!

Basic Commands

ls — list all the files that your current folder contains

man — display user manuals of any command that you can run

info — display more detailed information for a command, as compared with the man page

cd — navigate and change your working directory

pwd — display the path of your working directory, starting from the root

mkdir — create or make new directories

rmdir — remove already empty directories

mv — move or rename files or directories

open — open files, directories and applications

echo — display lines of text or string which are passed as arguments

touch — create empty files, and change timestamps of files or folders

find — find files and directories and perform operations on them

clear — clear your terminal screen

history — view your previously executed commands

tail — display the last few numbers of lines (10 lines by default) of a file

head — display the first few numbers of lines (10 lines by default) of a file

whoami — display the currently logged-in user

who — display information about users who are currently logged in

Intermediate Commands

cat — create single or multiple files, view content of a file, concatenate files and redirect output in the terminal or to other files

less — read the contents of a text file one page (one screen) at a time

wc — display number of lines, word count, byte and character count in files

grep — search for a string of characters in a specified file

sort — sort a file, arranging its output in a particular order

apropos — shows the manual’s section(s) that contain a set of keywords

ln — create links to files or directories

alias — create a shortcut name for a command, file name, or any shell text

id — display the user and group names and numeric IDs

last — display the list of all the users who logged in and logged out since the file /var/log/wtmp was created

su — execute commands with the privileges of another user account

sudo — temporarily elevate current user account to have root privileges

export — ensures environment variables and functions to be passed to child processes

uname — check the system information of your Linux system

env — display environment variables. Also used to run a utility or commands in a custom environment

printenv — display the values of environment variables in the current shell

Advanced Commands

chown — change the file’s owner or group

chmod — change the access permissions of files and directories

useradd — add a user account to your system

usermod — modify existing user account details, such as username, password etc.

groupadd — add a group to your system

groupmod — modify or change an existing group on your system

passwd — changes password for user accounts

umask — set up default permissions for newly created files and folders

df — display the amount of disk space available on the filesystem

free — output summary of RAM usage, including total, used, free, shared, and available memory and swap space.

ps — check the status of active processes on a system, as well as display technical information about the processes

top —monitor system/display system-performance information

uptime — display how long your system has been active (running)

vim — a text editor that is an upgraded version of its predecessor, Vi editor

gzip — seamlessly compress and decompress files

gunzip — compress or expand a file or a list of files

zip — put one or more compressed files into a single zip archive

tar — compress a group of files into an archive for backup or distribution

ping — check the network connectivity between host and server/host

dig — retrieve information about DNS name servers

traceroute — display the route that a packet takes to reach the host

route — access and modify the Linux kernel’s routing tables

crontab — submit, edit, list, or remove cron jobs

Thats It!

Thank you for making a “Quick Stop at Command Shop”. These are the most essential commands you have to know how to use to be able to pass the LPI Linux Essentials Certification exam.

If you are interested in other resources to assist you in your preparation, I would recommend using the LPI Linux Essentials Certification course by A Cloud Guru platform or Jason Dion’s Udemy course.

For practice exams, definitely check the test sets provided by

I hope you found this worthwhile. Thank you for reading!

Ifeanyi Otuonye is a Cloud/DevOps Engineer obsessed with cloud technologies and the DevOps culture. He is motivated by his eagerness to learn and develop and thrives in collaborative environments. He has a background in Information Technology and Project Management and balances the life of being a Professional Athlete. Since the end of 2021, he has strategically embarked on the Cloud/DevOps Engineer journey through self study and just recently, joining the Level Up In Tech program!

Keep up with his journey by following him on twitter and instagram at ifeanyi_otuonye.



Ifeanyi Otuonye (REXTECH)

Cloud Engineer | DevOps. 5X AWS Certified. Professional Track and Field Athlete.