Ifeoma IgweThe prostitute and the thiefDawn was about, and the last car that stopped picked the other girl and not her. No cars would pass the empty street again.Jul 12, 20201Jul 12, 20201
Ifeoma IgweDanse MacabreNneoma took sleeping pills so the nightmares would no longer wake her up at night. Nightmares of her mother’s car crash two months ago.Jun 26, 20201Jun 26, 20201
Ifeoma IgweCity dwellersSometimes before dinner I like to lay on the grass and observe the trees, the sky, the birds. And I’ll listen to nature’s tranquil sound…May 10, 2020May 10, 2020
Ifeoma IgweDate at JazzholeToday I had a date at Jazzhole. With this guy I met on Instagram and have been talking to for a week. According to him, it was an intimate…May 2, 20202May 2, 20202
Ifeoma IgwePastor no heal meThe traffic was at a standstill at Ikeja. My window was wound down half way. It was scorching hot but my bad luck made me enter a taxi…Apr 26, 20201Apr 26, 20201