2 min readMar 8, 2022

Life is a game; I choose how I want my cards dealt.

Mar. 5, 2022


Every wave of being uninterested, unmotivated, and exhausted is followed by clarity. I see clearly that nothing I desire is out of my reach. I tossed wishful thinking away, if an idea comes to me I just find ways to materialize it. Hell, even if things could not go the way I envisioned it, there’s not a single thing stopping me from trying. Not one single thing.

Too many times I hear that people need to be realistic with their goals. What is realistic? Five years ago I couldn’t have imagined the pandemic or the way it altered my life. While a pandemic is not something extraordinary, I did not easily fathom it. All the events that happened were practically dreamlike. I started thinking about what else could happen. What unthinkable things could happen but this time built from my mind. Created from my narrative.

I then see it is my narrative that will prevail in life. I co-create with God (The Source). I may not be able to control every single thing around me but what I receive is up to me. I have the ability to amplify what I want and minimize what doesn’t serve me. It’s delusional in a sense, but it’s what works best for me.

I’m just making bets on this life game, it’s all just a huge gamble. Great risk great reward that’s how I see it. There is nothing I can lose doing/seeing things my way. W/ Love.