1 min readJan 18, 2022

My mind, conscious, and imagination is running wild; leaving my body to lag after.

Jan 17, 2022


I’m under the impression that my thoughts are departing from my physical body. Feels like I’m everywhere and nowhere at once. Soaring in the future, dwelling in the past, but somehow overlooking the present.

Seriously, my mental feels like a rotating puzzle with more than half the pieces missing. When I think I’ve found the missing piece it vanishes! Another blockade, obstacle or hell, another piece makes the seemingly right one disappear from my grasp.

I’m stuck in this cycle every waking hour. I am frozen in this cycle every waking hour. To the point where it quite literally wakes me, (if I dare to sleep that is).

These racing thoughts are exhausting, how do I escape my own consciousness?

How do I release myself from the prison of my hyperactivity?

Will I be held captive forever? W/ Love.