1 min readMar 2, 2022

Personal Laws

Nov. 20, 2021


Law #1.

Be a lady of your word.

Law #2.

Hard work, consistency & no shortcuts.

(If you have to do it, do it right the first time.)

Law #3.

Learn to accept that you will make mistakes. Always do the next best thing. “Seek alignment not perfection” — Lady Wisdom.

Law #4.

Things won’t always go as planned and you can’t prepare for everything. “If the change is happening anyways why not direct the change with awareness” — Don Miguel Ruiz

Law #5.

Growth is gradual; you aren’t running out of time.

Law #6.

No such thing as second chances.

Law #7.

There is power in the tongue. Use it wisely, don’t forget to speak life into yourself and others. Proverbs 15:4 + 18:21

Law #8.

Gratitude outweighs grief.

Take care of these laws and they will take care of you. W/ love.