How Kindness Lives On

Fox in the snow
2 min readMar 15, 2023
Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash

Acts of kindness are important. I really believe that. Just taking a moment to see if someone is ok, or needs any help.

Clearing a neighbour’s path of snow, helping a driver push a broken down car to the side of a road, carrying an elderly person’s tray in a cafe.

Simple things.

It doesn’t cost anything, and to be honest, it makes you feel good inside. And of course it can make a difference to someone’s day.

When I was a boy, a stranger did something kind for me that has stayed with me for decades.

I was very young, probably around three or four, and on holiday with my parents and brother in Paris.

Unfortunately, I’d locked myself in a hotel corridor toilet and couldn’t get out. I remember my parent’s worried voices through the door, telling me how I needed to unbolt the lock. Somehow it had locked itself and I could barely reach it.

After what seemed like an age, I got out of the toilet. My Mum hugged me, and behind her, I could see several people in the corridor, laughing at me. The trauma of being locked inside a room and their apparent glee made me cry.

That night, I went to bed with my favourite teddy who had only one blue eye.



Fox in the snow

Publisher, writer, sometime mentor. Fascinated by stories in all their forms. Currently working on two novellas and a novel.