30 Days Writing Challenge — Day 3

Tolulope Medebem
3 min readNov 23, 2022


A Memory (I will share two)

Hiya, I’m back. Did you miss me? It’s been a minute and I am actually excited to continue doing this.

So memories, right…

I think I will share two and these two, maybe because I just shared with a group of friends who wanted us to relieve childhood memories that would basically make us all laugh and help with the current mental situation of everyone at that point.

So here goes…

First memory — I stole sweet …

The funny part, stealing the sweet was easy BUT I was stupid and that was my first and last case …

In Lagos those days, getting married was a lot of fanfare and the items (Eru Iyawo as it was called — loosely translated means ‘items given to the wife / wife’s family’) used to be quite varied and by now, you know I have a sweet tooth. My mum had her share from one of those weddings in her room and somehow, I chanced on it. Inside this particular set was ‘temptation’ — this toffee (one that was a good one in Nigeria then, with different colour wraps and my favorite was the green one — Toffee or something). Somehow,I thought I saw a small hole in the pack or did I?

Anyways, daily, I would remove the sweet one by one until I finished the pack and that should be the end of this memory right BUT stupid me. Guess what I was doing? When I open the sweet, I would return the wrap. Well, the sweet finished and time to get rid of the evidence and that was it! Caught!!! My mum met me, right at the door with something behind me and she asked what it was. I had no reason going out alone BUT i needed to answer and that when I was inspired to say ‘I was going to get rid of my counters’!!! Wrong!!!! Counters!? Why? That you use for maths!? Why would you want to get rid of them and why outside? Dear all, that was the beginning of the end for me…

Needless to say, my mum beat the thieving spirit out of me that faithful day. I believe I was saved by the bell because one of my aunties came visiting.

Behold, here I stand, hating stealing with everything that lives and dwells in me.

WHAT!!!!! She wasn't having any of that!

Second Memory — I was almost electrocuted

I was two (so, more my mum’s memory than mine because she recounted it recently on my 50th birthday) and I actually have a mark on my palm till date.

I could be stubborn and that might be in-born as my mum says maybe because I was born like almost 11months and I came when I was ready BUT after I came, they had to be watchful because I would find and do EVERYTHING I wasn’t meant too.

This faithful day, I just disappeared and the next thing she knew was I was flung across the room. Apparently I held unto an open live wire that no-one knew was behind the console (I guess I was meant to help them find it😁). I still have the brown mark on my palm to show how much of an ‘impact’ it made in my life🤦🏽‍♀️ . I was two and almost dying (Of course mum couldn’t beat me and she was even scolded because ‘hey, the baby could have died’🤣🤣🤣).

I have loads of memories for your mental healing, to learn and laugh whilst reminiscing. The good thing is, I am well trained, just one lesson (experience) and it will never happen again😁🤣.

Picture One — A younger me with my first BFF (my younger sister). Picture Two — My mum (as she must have looked then, this was the only young picture i could find right away)

