Irina GalatainProAndroidDevHow to animate on AndroidPreviously I have described how to create animations for both native Android and React Native applications using OpenGL. This time I’d like…Jul 22, 20179Jul 22, 20179
Irina GalatainProAndroidDevAnimate it on React Native with OpenGLWhat I really like about the mobile programming is an animation. I think it’s a quite important part of a successful product and I…May 10, 20176May 10, 20176
Irina GalatainProAndroidDevReact Native from the Android dev’s point of view (part I)React Native has become quite popular among mobile developers and I couldn’t resist the urge to get acquainted with this framework to keep…Apr 21, 20171Apr 21, 20171
Irina GalatainProAndroidDevHow to Create a Bubble Selection Animation on AndroidAuthors: Irina Galata, Android Developer; Yulia Serbenenko, UI/UX designer.Mar 9, 201714Mar 9, 201714