How to Create and Publish React TypeScript npm Package With Demo and Automated Build

Learn to create amazing projects from scratch

Igor Gaponov
Better Programming



Why did I decide to write one more article about publishing npm packages? When I needed to create such a package by myself, I found that most of the instructions on the internet were either outdated or very short and useless in production.

I will try to describe all the steps as clearly as I can, so you can create your own project from the scratch. Let’s get started!

I propose to create a simple React application, which will consist of two buttons that increase or decrease the value of the counter.

This is what our application will look like:


We have 14 steps that deal with everything:

  1. Preparing the project
  2. Create your react application
  3. Configure git
  4. Configure ESLint
  5. Configure Prettier
  6. Adding tests with Jest
  7. Configure package.json and prepare for publishing
  8. Commit and push your code
  9. Publishing to NPM
  10. Creating the example folder
  11. Setup automated builds
  12. Demo page
  13. file and
  14. Making release

Step 1. Preparing the Project

  • In the command line of your project, execute:
npm init -y

It will create package.json file with default values, and we will change it a bit later.

  • Create folder src

Here we will keep all project files.

  • Add React and TypeScript to the project (I’m going to use yarn , if you don’t mind)
yarn add -D react react-dom typescript @types/react

Now we have node_modules folder and a yarn.lock— not bad!

  • In order to compile TypeScript, create a tsconfig.jsonfile in the project root with the following content:

You can take a look at all possible properties here:

From the main:

- rootDir — the root folder within your source files

- include— specifies the files to be included in the TypeScript project

- exclude — specifies the files to be excluded in the TypeScript project. We don’t want to include dist folder and all node_modules

- outDir — this is the location for the compiled output

  • Create empty and LICENSEfiles

It’s up to you what license to use. I will use MIT. You can check the contents of that file.

Take a look at the structure we should have:

my-react-typescript-package, node_modules, src, license, package.json,, tsconfig.json, yarn.lock
Project structure after step 1

Step 2. Create Your React Application

Inside src create the folder components. There you can keep all the components of your project. We will create here within this article only one file App.tsx with the following content:


This is our React application.

Now, create a file index.ts inside the src folder. Export the module.


It’s time to compile the project!

Let’s change our package.json and replace the scripts section:


Run the following command in the terminal:

yarn build

Folder dist should be appeared with all compiled code.

Congratulations! We have created the application, which is compiled. A few more steps and we’re done! (Not.)

Compare your project structure after step 2:

my-react-typescript-package, dist, esm, components, app.d.ts, app.js,, index.d.ts, index.js,, my-react-typescript-package, node_modules, src, license, package.json,, tsconfig.json, yarn.lock
Project structure after step 2

Step 3. Configure git

We quickly created the project; now it’s time for the git.

Initialize git in the root of the project with this command:

git init

Create the .gitignorefile in the project root with the following content:


I added .idea , because I’m developing with the help of Jetbrains IDE.

In .gitignore we list those files and the directories we would like not to include in the repository.

Create a git repo on GitHub. Later, we will create an initial commit and connect remote git with our local git.

Step 4. Configure ESLint

ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems. We need it only in development.

Add eslint and all necessary components with this code:

yarn add -D eslint eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser

You can configure it as you want; there is a big user guide:

I suggest you create an .eslintrc file at the root of the project:


Add .eslintignore:


We will ignore checking dist folder with compiled files and node_modules .

Change package.json , add to scripts section:

"lint": "eslint \"{**/*,*}.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}\""

Here is my package.json:


Now, run the following:

yarn lint

You shouldn’t have any mistakes.

Compare your project structure after step 4:

my-react-typescript-package, dist, node_modules, src, components, app.tsx, index.ts, .eslintignore, .eslintrc, .gitignore, license, package.json,, tsconfig.json, yarn.lock
Project structure after step 4

Step 5. Configure Prettier

Prettier is a code formatter. It is convenient to use it when you work in a team so that everyone’s code meets the same standard.

In the terminal, run the following command:

yarn add -D eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier prettier

In the project root, create .prettierrc.json:


Read more about all options:

Add a prettier plugin to .eslintrc:


We have finished the setup of prettier; now try to run yarn lint in order to check formatting errors. If you don’t have any, you didn’t pass the human test 😆.

Eslint prettier errors

It’s time to fix them! Add the following to scriptsin package.json:

"prettier": "prettier --write \"{src,tests,example/src}/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}\""

OK, run yarn prettier and you will get something similar to:

> prettier — write…
yarn prettier

Now, after yarn lint you should not have any errors. Check the files src/components/App.tsx and src/index.ts , they have changed.

My scripts section in package.json:

"scripts": {
"build": "tsc",
"lint": "eslint \"{**/*,*}.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}\"",
"prettier": "prettier --write \"{src,tests,example/src}/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}\""

Compare your project structure after step 5:

my-react-typescript-package, dist, node_modules, src, components, app.tsx, index.ts, .eslintignore, .eslintrc, .gitignore, prettierrc.json, license, package.json,, tsconfig.json, yarn.lock
Project structure after step 5

Step 6. Adding Tests with Jest

To create tests, I’m using the Jest library. It’s a pretty useful and powerful testing framework. How difficult the tests will be, of course, is up to you.

Add jest to your project:

yarn add -D jest jest-canvas-mock jest-environment-jsdom ts-jest @types/jest @testing-library/react

Create the project root file jestconfig.json:


Create folder tests .

Time to write our first test. We will write a very simple test, which will check that our render passed successfully.

In the folder tests, create file common.test.tsx:


Change scripts section in package.json:

"test": "jest --config jestconfig.json"

Run yarn test. You should pass the test:

Test passed
Test passed

Compare your project structure after step 6:

my-react-typescript-package, dist, node_modules, src, components, app.tsx, index.ts, .eslintignore, .eslintrc, .gitignore, prettierrc.json, jestconfig.json, license, package.json,, tsconfig.json, yarn.lock
Project structure after step 6

Step 7. Configure package.json and Prepare for Publishing

I suggest splitting our build. We will compile not only the ECMAScript module but also the CommonJs module to make our package as accessible as possible.

In package.json, replace:

"build": "tsc",

With the following code:

"build": "yarn build:esm && yarn build:cjs",
"build:esm": "tsc",
"build:cjs": "tsc --module commonjs --outDir dist/cjs",

We added build:esm and build:cjs and combined them in one command.

Run yarn build and you will see, that our dist/ now has also a cjs folder.

Go further.

In package.json we can use magic scripts that are automatically called when the package is published. They will help us to check our package for all kinds of errors and not accidentally upload an update that will crash hundreds of thousands of projects in which our package will be used!

  • prepare — runs before the package is packed and published. Runs on local npm install without any arguments,
  • prepublishOnly — runs before the package is prepared and packed, only on npm publish. Here will be our tests.

Add the following to the scripts section:

"prepare": "npm run build",
"prepublishOnly": "npm test && npm run prettier && npm run lint"

Change the version , description.

Tell npm where it can import the main file of our project from, and also where all the types are located:


"main": "index.js",


"main": "./dist/cjs/index.js",
"module": "./dist/esm/index.js",
"types": "./dist/esm/index.d.ts",

Add information about the remote git repository (specify your git URL from step 3):

"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"

Specify that the project that will use our package must have a react version of at least >=16:

"peerDependencies": {
"react": ">=16"

To ensure that your package does not have any redundant files, use only allowed files and folders that will be added to the package:

"files": [

Add keywords so everyone can find your project:

"keywords": [

Specify your license:

"license": "MIT",

Don’t forget to change the author:

"author": "Igor Gaponov (gapon2401)",

I think that’s enough.

Add a description to your file.

For now, I have only one row there. This is the h1:

# my-react-typescript-package

Take a look at the final version of package.json:


Step 8. Commit and Push Your Code

First of all, let’s connect remote and local repositories and push our project.

Run the following code:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin <Repository Url>
git push -u origin master

Don’t forget to change <Repository Url> on yours. It can be https URL, or ssh . This URL you can get in your repository.

Take a look at examples of how it could be.

  • HTTPS repository URL (you will need to authorize)
git remote add origin
git remote add origin

I used the second solution.

Step 9. Publishing to NPM

  • Choose the package name

We have to check that the name of our package is free to use. Go to the website and use the search tool.

You can find and change the default name of the project in package.json:

npm package name
package name

In my case it is my-react-typescript-package. There is no such package yet.

I prefer to check this way: insert the name directly into the link, as shown below:<Your package name>

Instead of <Your package name>, use the name of your project.

I get the following URL:

If the name is free, you will see a 404 page:

Package name is free
The package name is free
  • Register/login to NPM

In order to publish the project, you need to authorize in

If you don’t have an account yet, go and register or use the command line:

npm adduser

You will be asked to enter username, passwordand email.

If you already have an account, run:

npm login

And complete the authorization.

  • Publishing

Before publishing, I recommend you check that you will have only the necessary files in the package, there are no errors, and everything is formatted correctly. For this, you can run the following command:

npm publish --dry-run

The package will not be published, don’t worry.

You will see that the “magic script” prepublishOnly will be called and tests and code formatting will run.

Then you will get the list of all files, which will be included at the project:

The list of all package files
The list of all package files

In Tarball Contents, we have the files and folders that were specified in package.json:

"files": [

Everything is fine; let’s publish the package!

Run the following command:

npm publish

I always worry when I run this command.

I am attaching the full result of the command call:

The result of npm publish
The result of npm publish

Now, I can congratulate you! The package is published; it is public, and it can be used by anyone! It wasn’t so hard.

Let’s take a look at the package on the NPM.

Open the link we opened before.<Your package name>
NPM page of the package
NPM page of the package

Looks great!

Step 10. Creating the Example Folder

Let’s keep making our package better and better. In this step, we will create an example folder in which we will show how we can work with our package. In this folder, you can quickly start the server and play around with the code.
To quickly launch the application, we will use

Create a folder example .

Inside that folder, create an empty src folder and files:

  • .gitignore:
  • package.json:

Now, pay attention! In the command line from the root of your project, move into the example folder:

cd example

Then run:

yarn add -D parcel my-react-typescript-package react react-dom @types/react-dom @types/react

Inside the src folder, create the file index.html:


Now, we need to import our package and create an example of how to use it.

Inside src folder, create index.tsx file:


Time to run the server! Use the command:

yarn start

You will have the following message after successfully starting the server:

Parcel server started
Parcel server started

Open the link http://localhost:1234 to watch the example:

Package example of usage
Package example of usage

Compare the example folder structure after all installations and servers are running. It should look like this:

example, .parcel-cache, dist, node_modules library root, src, index.html, index.tsx, .gitignore, package.json,, yarn.lock
example folder structure

Step 11. Setup Automated Builds

Let’s get into automated builds. It’s rather inconvenient when you have to push changes to git, to npm with each release. We will automate this process with GitHub Actions.

Github Actions
Github Actions

Create at the root of the project structure the folder .github.

Inside it create the folder workflows.

Inside workflowscreate the file publish.yml:


The main points in the file have been commented.

When we will release it to GitHub, our package will be automatically built and pushed to NPM.

I want you to look at the following line:

# We need this to our NPM account

This is the way we are going to connect GitHub with NPM.

In the browser, open your account on and go to the page with tokens:

NPM Access Tokens link
NPM Access Tokens link

Generate a new token:

Generate new NPM token
Generate new NPM token

You will be prompted to enter its name and select the type. Automationis suitable for github-actions:

New access token
New access token

Copy your token and open the github repo.

Go to the tab Settings, open Secrets — Actions, and create a new repository secret variable. Give it a name NPM_TOKENand paste inside the value of the token from NPM:

Creating new repository secret variable
Creating new repository secret variable

Well done! Now it remains to create a new version of the project and push it to GitHub.

Before committing any changes, don’t forget to run the following command:

yarn prepublishOnly

Just to make sure that your code will be nice and clean.

After you push the project, go to the Actions tab, where you will see that GitHub has detected that you have workflow actions. But it hasn’t launched anything yet, because we haven’t made a release yet.)

Github Actions workflows
Github Actions workflows

Step 12. Demo page

We have already a folder with an example of using our package, but we would like to create a separate page so that the user can quickly see the package in action without having to clone the entire project. Let’s get on with this page!

We will use github-pages to create the demo.

Create a new git branch:

git checkout -b gh-pages

And now delete all the files from the project!

Don’t worry, all previous files will stay safe in another masterbranch. The branch gh-pages will be used only for the demo. That’s why we need to delete all files. Come on, delete everything!

Then in the command line, run:

npm init -y

This command will create the file package.json. We will not configure it in detail this time.

For the demo page, I suggest using parcel , which is familiar to us (step 10)


yarn add -D parcel my-react-typescript-package react react-dom @types/react-dom @types/react typescript

Create file .gitignore:


Create file tsconfig.json with the following content:


Follow step 4 to configure the Eslint.

Create empty folder src . Inside it, create the file index.html with the following content:


Create index.tsx:


Add to package.jsoninside scriptssection:

"start": "parcel src/index.html",
"build": "parcel build src/index.html --dist-dir docs --public-url .",

Take a look at my package.json:


Run the server to make sure everything works fine:

yarn start 

Now, run the code to check for errors using this command:

yarn lint

No errors! Great! It’s time to build the page.

yarn build

You should see the folder docs with all files of the demo project.

Here is the structure of the branch gh-pages:

my-react-typescript-package gh-pages, .parcel-cache, dist, docs, index.2eb320be.js, index.html, node_modules library root, src, index.html, index.tsx, .eslintignore, eslintrc, .gitignore, package.json, tsconfig.json, yarn.lock, yarn-error.log
Structure of the gh-pages branch

Now, let’s push all the changes to git. Run:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial pages commit"
git push -u origin gh-pages

Open your GitHub repository, and go to Settings — Pages. In the sourceselect /docsand press Save:

Github pages
Github pages

Wait about 3–5 minutes and your site will be available on the specified URL, which is shown on your page:

Link of the demo page
Link to the demo page

We’re done with the demo page. As you see, you can customize it however you want and create a page or website of any complexity.

Here is the result:

Step 13. File and

Now that we’re done with the code, we can move to the description file of the package.

Switch to master branch in git and open .

Replace the contents with the following code:

For the description file, we are using markdown.

In README.mdI have added a short description of the package, link to demo-page, and a usage section.

At the beginning of the readme file, I have small cute icons. This is It is very convenient to have them. I’ve added just a couple as an example, you can use as many as you want.

Add shields.ioto your GitHub applications.

Take a look at the end of the file; I’ve created variables with images and links. Markdown allows us to make such variables, so the description file looks more accurate. Don’t forget to change the path to your repo and the package name.

Change version in package.json , make commit and push files to the repository. Do everything by yourself. We’ve made it in previous steps.

Step 14. Making the Release

This is the last step. It will be short.

We have done everything we planned! Now we can make an official release on GitHub and also check how automated builds work.

Go to the main page of the repository and click Create a new release:

Create a new release
Create a new release

Specify your current version as a tag. It will be created automatically on release. Print release title and description and click Publish release.

Publish release
Publish release

Now, open tab Actions and make sure your build was successful.

Automated build on github actions
Automated build on github actions

Let’s check if the package was updated in NPM.

Open the package link:<Your package name>

I will open mine:

You should see a new version with a new description:

NPM updated package
NPM updated package

It was a long journey, but I hope very useful. I tried to describe everything I had difficulty with when I first published my package and collected this information piece by piece.

Thank you for reading! ❤



Full-stack web developer with 9+ years’ of experience in designing, creating and maintaining scalable applications for web projects.