Ambitious people like ‘headless’ chicken

Igaz Krisztina
2 min readJan 17, 2020


What differentiates a ‘headless’ person from a striving one?

Running around like a headless chicken is a very appropriate way to represent many people in our ‘modern’ times. Everybody is busy, stressed and procrastinating.

It works something like this: You have a long list of ‘to-dos’ - be as it on a piece of paper or only in your head. You stressed out even thinking about the number of things that you have to get done. And your mind will make you procrastinate to relieve you from this stressed state. In plain English, you will end up watching cat videos on YouTube, while you conveniently misplace your to-do list.

Then there will be days when you feel absolutely motivated and will do many things at once… as I said ‘headless’ chicken. This phrase coming from the fact that when they butcher a chicken the neurons in its spinal cord will make him run a couple of extra laps around the garden without its head before he goes to ‘chicken’ heaven.

What’s the difference between a headless chicken and a headed one? Focus. What differentiates a ‘headless’ person from a striving one? Focus.

It is the difference between Action and Activity:

  • Action: Behaviour producing a result or outcome. A manifestation of intention.
  • Activity: Energetic movement. A state of motion.

“The word activity does not, by definition, suggest or even imply results or outcomes. Activity is described as a “state of motion,” “functioning” and being “busy.” Action is described specifically as “the bringing about of an alteration,” an “achievement” or “deed.” Activity can create the illusion that something is being accomplished.” — Germaine Porche

Action is future-focused and related to some high-value outcome. You shouldn’t do things hoping they will lead you somewhere. You should do things because those things are steppingstones towards where you want to be.

How can you ensure that you are taking action daily and not losing yourself in motion (activity)? It is simple: Spend 10 minutes every night or morning WRITING DOWN your daily goals in this format:

______(Verb) + _____(What) + ______(Why)


  1. Publish ‘subject’ article on Medium, because I know that thinking about it won’t make it happened
  2. Write ‘subject’ article for Medium, because I want to be a full-time writer.
  3. Publish ‘subject’ article on Medium, because I do not want to play the headless chicken.

Remember: Aim — Focus — Act and you shall succeed :-).



Igaz Krisztina

I am a psychologist by my diploma. In everyday life, I help women to find their inner enchantress and ‘seduce’ the world.