[Solved]How to Track Someone’s Location without Knowing Them.

Ian Morgan
8 min readSep 15, 2020


Tracking someone’s location should be your pressing need when you wanna know exactly where the person is now. There are various reasons why you might want to find a person’s location. You may want to keep track of your kids for their safety and your sanity. You may have some off the wall reason for tracking someone using his or her phone. Whatever your reason is, there are several options now available for tracking somebody’s location. There are also a lot of programs available that give you ability to keep track of a person’s location by his or her cell phone.In this guide, we will introduce you 4 solutions to track someone’s location without them knowing.

Track Location of Instagram Account: This is a complete guide on how to track someone’s location on Instagram in 2020.So if you want to track the location of Instagram user’s then you will love this guide. Sound’s good? Let’s get started.

1 Track Location of Instagram Account

2 Can You Track Someone’s Location on Instagram?

Track Location of Instagram Account

Instagram offers quite some useful built-in location search features that allow users to track the location of other Instagram users. If you are a regular user of Instagram, you must have noticed that each post features a location option where the users get to display the location they clicked the picture at.

Track Location Of Instagram

It is quite easier to track the location by checking the user’s recent posts and stories. However, there is a downside to this approach. While Instagram allows users to display their location in the Add Location Field, there is no certainty the location the user has displayed is accurate. Moreover, it isn’t mandatory for people to display their location. Many Instagram users leave this area blank. Another issue with this how to track exact location of instagram account option is that there are multiple location names available for a particular location. For instance, if you type Eiffel Tower as your photo location, a list of options describing Eiffel tower will appear in the location tab. This may include Eiffel Tower Paris, Eiffel Tower Bahria Town Lahore, and Eiffel Tower Restaurant.

Can You Track Someone’s Location on Instagram?

Unfortunately, location tracking on Instagram is only possible with the method mentioned above. But, if the user doesn’t show the current location, you can tap into the third-party mobile applications to trace the user’s address. Another way is to track the IP address i.e. the location of their mobile. Usually, we keep our mobiles with us all the time. You can use Instagram IP Address Finder to find the IP address of any Instagram account. There is a high chance the user is in the same location as their mobile. IP tracking on Instagram is possible. However, you will have to start a conversation with the person and get them to click on the link that directs you to their current location. It might sound a complicated job, but that is the only possible way to find the location of an Instagram user.

A NEW APP knows what your Instagram-loving friends did last summer. Called Who’s in Town, the iOS and Android app are ostensibly designed to show you, well … who’s in town. But it does much more than that. Users who download the app and grant it access to their Instagram account are presented with an eerie interactive map of every place the people they follow have visited and shared online since they created their profile. The map updates in real-time and is sourced from the wealth of location data the average Instagram user willingly uploads to the platform each time they opt to use its popular geotag feature in a story or post. This information is nominally public already, as Instagram users must choose to share it with their followers. But by collecting them all in one place over time, Who’s in Town transforms data points seemingly meaningless in isolation into a comprehensive chronology of the habits and haunts of anyone with a public Instagram account.

It can tell you what coffee shops or restaurants your Instagram-using friends frequent, when they last told the digital world they were there, and paint a detailed picture that wouldn’t be evident from just looking at their profile. “The amount of data is insane,” said Erick Barto, the app’s creator. “It’s the equivalent of you going through every single story and writing down every single location, just consistently all the time.” Paris Martineau covers platforms, online influence, and social media manipulation for WIRED. A pre-release study he conducted using Who’s in Town tracked the posting habits of over 15,000 active Instagram users over multiple weeks. Barto said it found that 30 percent of people who post Instagram stories over the weekend geotag at least one location. “This capability is problematic … from a privacy perspective as long-term aggregate data can potentially be misused in various ways,” Jason Polakis, security researcher and assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told WIRED in an email. Polakis said users’ aggregate location data could reveal sensitive information about their daily routine — like when a person normally goes out or is at work — that could be used to determine when their home is empty, enabling stalking, or revealing social connections like friendships or relationships, based on similarities in the time and location of posts. The information could also be used by companies to infer a person’s hidden habits or traits, he noted. A health insurance firm, for example, could scan prospective customers’ geotag history to compare how often they indicated they frequented bars versus the gym.

“While the app’s functionality isn’t doing anything complicated that a determined (malicious) individual or company wouldn’t be able to do,” Polakis added, “it does streamline and facilitate potentially invasive behavior at a large scale, as anyone installing the app would have access to this functionality.” Once installed, Who’s in Town pulls post data for the people you follow dating back to the creation of each user’s account, and the geotags from stories posted that day. Since Instagram stories (and any geotags contained within them) disappear after 24 hours, older stories won’t be displayed on the map; however, the longer you have the app installed, the more detailed the map gets, as it slurps up data from every subsequent geotagged Instagram story shared by your friends.

Starting Words

The app has two viewing modes — general and single users. The general mode shows you a map of every place that all of the people you follow have said they visited, when they said they were there, and links to the post or story where they indicated that. For users who follow a lot of people, it’s a sea of pins. how to check instagram location Single-user mode allows you to track a specific person. The other pins fade away, leaving only one user’s shared location history, which depending on how heavy an Instagrammer they are, can reveal a stunning amount of information about their current location and daily habits.

redacted screenshot of Who’s In Town


redacted screenshot of Who’s In Town


It’s creepy and concerning — and that’s the point, according to Barto. He created the app to illustrate the wealth of sensitive and telling data users willingly share on a public platform without considering the access that Instagram and outside developers have to it, or what they could be doing with it. “People don’t realize what they’re sharing,” Barto said. “They’re [operating under] the false assumption that this information is only going to a few people … but it’s public.” Who’s in Town can pull data from private Instagram accounts as well, provided that the person signing into the app is an accepted follower of the private profile. There is no way for Instagram users to determine whether one of their followers is using a third-party application like Who’s in Town to scrape and aggregate their data, as it operates outside of Instagram’s purview and only requires one party’s consent. An Instagram spokesperson told WIRED on Friday that it was reviewing Who’s in Town against its platform policies and would take action if any how to find someone’s location from instagram violations are found. Who’s in Town isn’t Barto’s first privacy-invading social media app. Last March, he released Chat watch, an app that allowed users to spy on their friends on WhatsApp by exploiting the messenger app’s status feature, which shows when users are on or offline. The app used the data to tell users how often their friends checked WhatsApp, when they likely woke up and went to sleep, and

Tracking a person’s location is a common need nowadays because of many reasons such as one of your close people is living away from you and you can’t reach her in either through phone or through social media. Knowing where is someone is probably the most comforting and a very valuable technology to have. You couldn’t be more confident knowing your children are safe wherever they are.

trackTrack Your Child’s Phone without Them Knowing

As a parent, there are few things more terrifying than not knowing how your child is using their phone. We get lot of questions like “How can I track my son’s phone without his knowing?” or “How can I track my daughter’s iPhone without her permission?” With a cell phone spy app, you can easily know about everyone they talk to, who they chat with, what sort of pictures they’re taking, and more.

trackTrack Your Wife, Husband, Boyfriend or Girlfriend’s iPhone or Android

No one wants to be suspicious of their loved partner, but sometimes people cheat. In this situation, you have to make sure there’s no funny business going on behind your back in order to protect yourself and your family. A cell phone tracking app does exactly that and more. They allow you to monitor the movement of the phone using its built-in GPS. Every few minutes you’ll be able to see an updated location of their phone. You can even setup geo-fencing zones so that you get notified when he or she goes to a specific location. Within minutes of their arrival you’ll receive a notification on your phone.

which of their contacts were likely messaging each other. It was removed from the Apple App and Google Play stores after an outpouring of concern from users and members of the press over the privacy implications. (WhatsApp and Instagram are both owned by Facebook, which has its own contentious and scandal-ridden history when it comes to data privacy.)


f you have reasonable reasons to track someone’s whereabouts but lack of ways to do it, hopefully, this guide offering 4 solutions to track real-time locations works for you. For tracking someone in a light way, we suggest you give FamiKit a shot. Go and get PanSpy for multi-functions. Have any problem? Just leave your comments below!

how to track someone on instagram
how to track exact location of instagram account
how to check instagram location
how to find someone’s location from instagram
how to find someones location from instagram
how to look up locations in instagram
find instagram users by location

